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Mackenzie's POV

"Hey John!" I greet him as I entered the old garden. It's day six on detention. Me And Johnny getting more closer lately. And if you're thinking that we're always acting friendly, then you're wrong. There's the time we're friendly and the next minute we're fighting. It's always like that.

"Hey Kenz!" Johnny said and we do our secret handshake. Yes we have that. We just made it yesterday.

Johnny ran to his plant and I went to mine. I finished planting and now I'm just going to grow my plants.

"KENZIE! INCOMING ATTACK!" Johnny ran up to me with a bucket of dirt. Before I could say anything, he dumped all the dirt on my head.

"WHAT THE HECK?!?!?" I shouted as I removed the dirt from my face and all over my body.

"JOHNNY!" I shouted and chased him. He's a fast runner tho!

"Catch me if you can!" Johnny stick out his tongue. It just made me more angry. I groaned and run faster. I used all of my energy to catch him.

I'm running out of control. And BOOM! I crashed to Johnny and we fell. He's on top of me and we're staring at each other. It was so disgusting and awkward in the same time.

I fake coughed. Finally I got the confidence to do that. Or else, we're probably still in that position now.

He awkwardly stood up and held out his hand to me. I take it gladly and pull him. He attacked the ground and I laughed. I stood up with no regret.

"How dare you!?" Johnny shouted and tickled me.

"Hey stop!" I laughed.

"Nope!" Johnny tickled me more.

"Sorry." I said between laugh.

"Not enough." Johnny smirked.

"What should I say?" I asked.

"Sorry my handsome beloved Johnny." Johnny answered.

"What?!" I shouted.

"Say that or..." He tickled me even harder.

"Sorry my.. uh.. handsome beloved Johnny, eww!" I said and finally he stopped.

"Got that!" Johnny smiled proudly as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"What the!?" I widened my eyes.

me vs bad boy ; jenzieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora