"Yes, because Annie sleeps in a crib!" He glanced around then back to me.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"Are, are you crying?" he walked closer, and I flinched as he raised his hands. He grabbed ahold of my face, making me look at him. But really, I didn't want to look at him. I didn't want to see his disappointment in me.

He gave me a concerned look as the tears began to slowly stop. "Did you think I was going to hit you?" He asked, his voice cracking, and a lot calmer now than I was expecting. I just shrugged and looked down. "Khlo. Baby, no matter how mad I am at you, I will never, ever hit you." He muttered, pulling me close to him. He wrapped his arms around me, his anger disappearing almost instantly.

Bipolar much?

I sighed and hugged him back, my heart still beating erratically as my head rested on his collarbone.

My eyes danced around at the baby nursery, an ache automatically crushing my heart at the thought of Annie loosing her first child.

"Niall, when did this happen?"

"Drop it, Khloe. Let's go before Annie gets back." He unraveled my arms from his body and turned to leave. I sighed and followed after him, taking one last look before I completely shut the door.

No wonder Niall told me to not go in there..

"Did she have a miscarriage?" I couldn't help the curiosity that was eating away at my insides. I wasn't going to ask Annie, so Niall was really my only answer.

"Khloe, enough."

"I was just curious... There's a child's room that is fully set up and Annie's not-"

"I said to drop it!" Niall's voice boomed as he turned to look at me, who sat on the bed. I shrunk back in my spot. "Why don't you ever listen!?"

I closed my eyes and sighed. Seconds later, the door slammed shut, so I'm guessing he left.

I didn't mean to push, but I was just curious. Can't blame me. Wouldn't you be? Just a little?

I sighed and stared at the open suitcase with clothes pouring the sides, debating on changing or not. I decided to wear something comfy, so I undid the tie on my robe, letting it glide down my bare shoulders, into a fluffy bunch at my feet before I let down my surprisingly straight hair from its holder.

I slipped into a pair of leather leggings, a black tank top, and a purple, zip up sweatshirt.

I decided that it would be good for Niall to have some space right now. I hadn't really realized how much I had been pushing him until now.

And thanks to my big, fat mouth that won't stay shut, I think I just ruined our actual first date.

Plopping my fat ass onto the mattress, I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, scrolling through Instagram, my old twitter, tumblr, really just about anything to keep my mind clear for a bit.

I didn't want to mess anything up more than what I already had.

About an hour later, Niall was knocking at the door.

I furrowed my eyebows. Since when does Niall knock on his room door? "Uhh, the doors open?" I set my phone down, glancing up to Niall.

"Are you read- What are you doing!?" Niall eyes met with mine, but I couldn't really focus on what he was saying as my mouth hung open and my eyes roamed over him.

His hair was styled up in perfection, pulled off his forehead. He was clad in black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black and white jacket that looked as if but costed fifty dollars, but in reality was probably about five hundred. And in his hand was placed his black and grey snapback.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang