Chapter 8

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~Hot springs~

When you got inside you placed you sword and clothes safely in the other room before moving to the calming waters. You slid the door open to the bath with a sigh feeling the heat. Stripping out of the towel you stepped into the water letting out a breath. When your body sank into the water your cheeks flushed. You smiled relaxing in the water feeling your body slowly unwind.

"This feels amazing..." you giggled, elated that you had it all to yourself. 

"No worrying about work, or training or Zaraki-taicho." you thought. You swayed softly in the water letting all your worries slip away. Just as you felt like you would fall asleep the door behind you slid open. You jumped in your spot.

"W-What who the hell is that!?!"

"That damn Ichigo got away again. Just when I thought I would get a good fight." you panicked recognizing the voice.

"Z-Zaraki-taicho!!!" you hollered. Kenpachi turned his head at the sudden yell.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" he inquired nonchalantly. You freaked when you saw him still standing, fully naked in front of you.

"G-GET IN THE WATER ALREADY!!" Kenpachi grunted. "Quit your yelling." he grumbled sinking into the water. You sighed a little more calm now that you could only see a little of his chest.

"Why are you here anyway!!" you demanded pointing a finger at him.

"I should be asking you that, everyone knows I come here at night." He stated like it was common knowledge.

"W-Wha-but Yachiru said.." you froze just realizing what she'd done.

"Damn her..." you frowned covering your chest in the water. You wanted to get out as quick as possible but Kenpachi was sitting right next to the exit. To make matters worse he didn't seem the least bit bothered that you were naked just a few feet away.

Your heart was beating quickly as you watched him. His eyes were closed as he leaned on the rocks behind him. He wasn't wearing the eye patch either. You gazed how his hair looked wet and matted against his skin. Your eyes followed the droplets that ran down his skin, disappearing in the water.

You closed your eyes trying to banish any sinful thoughts and calm yourself down.

"What am I supposed to do in this kind of situation. " you almost jumped out of your skin when you opened your eyes and Kenpachi was directly in front of you.

"K-KYA!!!" you screamed about to put some distance between him when he grabbed you by the shoulders halting your movements.

"Calm down, why are you so freaking jumpy." you tensed against his hold trying to settle. Kenpachi's eyes looked down at you. " What's your problem, if this was Ikkaku or something you wouldn't be freaking out. You really think I'd try and fight you in a bath."

You shook your head. "N-No I-I suppose not.." You were waiting patiently for him to release you but he never did. "A-Ano, y-you can let me go now. I-I promise I won't scream again." Kenpachi didn't reply making you a bit weary.

You gasped when he leaned down suddenly, burying his face into your neck. "Z-Zaraki-" you bit your lip when he pressed a kiss on your skin. "You're soft..." he muttered grazing his teeth against your throat. Your body trembled at the feeling.

"W-Why is he doing this.." you couldn't get your thoughts together. "S-Stop..." you whimpered. Kenpachi smirked pulling away from your neck. Your eyes were hazy, breath coming out in pants. "You're body is telling me something different (Y/N)-san." you avoided his gaze trying to pull away from him. His hands slipped around your waist pulling you out of the water. You shivered as the cold air hit your body. In a matter of seconds you were pressed flush against Kenpachi's hardened chest. You swallowed. Your bare chest was squished to his.

Your hands reached up holding unto his shoulder to try and steady yourself. "You're responding so obediently, makes me wonder if you really want to stop."

You were confused at his statement until you realized you'd wrapped your legs around his waist unconsciously.

"Holy shit!!" you wanted to release him altogether and bolt out of there as quick as you could. Maybe try to gather whatever dignity you had left.

Kenpachi's fingers brushed the hair that stuck to your face away, pressing a breathtaking kiss on your lips. Your entire body did a full system reboot trying to process what was happening.


Alarms set off in your head as you tried to fight against his hold. His hand slid to the back of your head deepening the kiss. You moaned when you felt his tongue parting your lips. Giving up you returned the kiss, opening your mouth to him. Kenpachi give an appreciative groan. His hand slipped from behind your head, sliding down you wet form. You squealed softly when he squeezed your right butt cheek. Kenpachi grinned at the cute sound. Your body was considerably smaller compared to his, making it easy for him to lift you.

When he pulled away you were sucking in mouthfuls of air from the lack of oxygen. 

"Z-Zaraki-taicho..." you murmured. His grin only widened. "Still want more." you nodded embarrassed. You had been fantasizing about him for some time now, who could blame you. Without warning you leaned forward grabbing both sides of his face smashing your lips against his. Kenpachi was slightly taken aback by the bold move but welcomed it nonetheless.

You kissed him relentlessly delve deeper as the both of you fought for dominance. Kenpachi faltered for a second when you started rubbing your wet core against him. His hands slackened as he stumbled back. You grinned at the reaction, hands still wrapped around his neck to make sure you didn't fall. Your lips moved to his neck placing small bites on his skin. Kenpachi grunted, bracing his hands on the wooden surface behind his back as you continued your ministrations.

"S-Shit..." you laughed as Kenpachi cursed. "I'm just getting started.." you whispered into his ear. You weren't sure what had gotten into you and you didn't care. You were finally getting a chance to touch Kenpachi, like hell you were going to pass up this opportunity.

Before you could continue Kenpachi pushed you back creating some space between the two of you. He was breathing a bit heavier. "W-What's the matter, did I-I do something wrong?" you were a bit worried now.

"It's not that..." Kenpachi was meeting your gaze and now you were curious. His voice was strained.

"I think we should you know.....before we do this kinda thing." you blinked titling your head.

"A-Are you...asking me out on a date?" he just gave a grunt. You couldn't believe it. Any other guy would not have thought twice about having sex yet....Kenpachi stopped you just to ask you on a date.

"Y-You really are one of a kind Zaraki-taicho!" you laughed out loud causing an irk mark to form on his head. "Shut up and just say yes will ya!!" you giggled wiping the tears from the corners of your eyes. Finally calming you took his hand softly.

"Of course I'll go out with you. I really like you Zaraki-taicho." you smiled happily in his direction.

Kenpachi turned his head. "Yeah whatever, hurry and get out the water before I change my mind." you chuckled. "Zaraki-taicho is actually a tsundere~" you teased hopping out the water.

"It's too bad, we could have had a really good time." you said swaying your hips a little. You laughed going into the next room to change.

Kenpachi placed a hand on his face letting out a breath. 

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