"Alright, here I go! ... Hey, wait up!"


The Totoria District stretched before them like a great quilt of golden, brown and green squares held together by the thick green stitching of the hedgerows. Occasionally there was woods and hills that separated the fields, or river or even the town. The three of them could see their whole day mapped out before them, rambling through pastures and over stiles just to find the place that fits with the description of Leorio's ridiculous drawing.

"Is this the entire area of Totoria district?" Gon stood atop the rocky surface staring down at the entire green landscape outstretched before him.

"Yeah. Checking each place one by one will take at least a couple of days." Killua stepped beside him looking at the same view.

"Not if you have a bird's eye view." Rin let out a triumphant smirk while tilting her chin up.

"I should probably cover a lot more area by air. That way we can find the place in no time. What do you think?" She turned to look at her friends with a cheerful smile.

"Rin, that's a good idea! If you use your flight, then it's only the matter of time for us to find the place." Gon exclaimed.

"Wah, It's rare for you to come up with something useful," Killua snickered with his arms crossed.

"Excuse me? I'm sensing hidden message behind that. FYI I have contributed a lot of useful ideas." She gave him a pointed look.

"Oh yeah? like offering yourself to get your own bounty?" Killua gave her a taunting smirk.

The words he said was able to relive Rin's memory about the incident she had with the Phantom Troupe and even more so with the leader of the Troupe, Chrollo Lucifer who happens to be her long-lost adoptive brother. The memories only made her fumed in embarrassment as her cheeks were tainted red.

"God! Killua, it was ages ago! You still have a grudge on that?"

"Well, the memory is still crystal clear in my head." He smirked at her response.

"Then, I'll just have to bust your head off for you to make you forget about it." Rin started to crack her knuckles.

"By then you'll be missing me." He gave her yet another mocking smirk causing the black-haired girl to roll her eyes.

"Uh! You're so full of yourself."

Amidst they playful teases and remarks, Gon could only look at his two friends as they kept on sending those harsh words at each other. Although they may have sound hurtful sometimes, Gon knew it was their way to show their affections to one another. After all, Killua was not the type to be open about his feelings, teasing Rin is just one way to go.

Gon smiled at the thought before realizing why they were even there.

"Hey, I know the two of you kinda have a moment there but I think we should hurry."

Jerking their heads to Gon in perfect sync, Rin and Killua shouted.


Gon chuckled in response. True, it was cute seeing them like that.

Gon turned his attention to the landscape before him and pointed to a specific location.

"I'll start with that town first."

"Alright, then I'll cover up that side." Killua pointed to the opposite direction from where Gon had pointed.

"And I'll be searching through the air," Rin clarified.

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