"I mean whatever. I was never mad. But I definitely want to work on our friendship."

"Cool. Let's go out and feed your ass cos your stomach is all I heard in the car on the drive here."

"Shut up". He chuckled whilst he got out the car running on my side in order to open the door for me. I stepped out and caught Dave looking at me intensely.

"What ?"

"Nothing, you just fly ."

"Thanks" I gave him a little smile whilst inside I was smiling real hard.

We made our way in the mall to the food court into this Italian restaurant where we caught up with the prodigal couple.

"Hey guys" Cass said cheesing mad.

"what you cheesing for, you frog?"

"Shut up" she stuck her tongue out.

"soooooo you guys made up or nah?" Josh asked

"we never had beef in the first place... at least not that's what I thought."

"Oh, word? You should've told Dave that. He's been in the worst moods cos he thought you hated him or something."

"Bro, hows you exposing me like that," Dave said with a scowl on his face whilst I was smirking taking it all in.

" Mo's ego would've let her say anything either," Cass added.

"Not even."

"But me and mamas here are cool now," Dave said putting his arm around my shoulder looking down at me with a smirk. I looked up at him and when I tell you guys, waterfalls; whole streams were flowing. I turned away from the eye contact facing Cassie who was looking straight at me with a smirk on her face too. Before I could open my mouth the waiter came along.

"Can I take your orders?" He said to all of us but looking directly at me. I mean he was a light skin boy with a nice fade and strong jaw but I mean I wasn't really interested in him. Josh and Cassie have ordered and now it was Dave and I who was taking long to order.

"As a drink, I would like something sweet," I said my thoughts out loud.

"The fresh pineapple juice is something I would suggest. Seems like something you would taste like," he said boldly. Cassie and Josh whistled while looking at each other. Dave remained quiet while clenching his jaw. Was I gassed that he was jealous? Hell fucking yes. I couldn't lie I was getting a buzz out of Dave reacting so salty.

" No thanks. I don't actually like pineapple. Baby, what you going to get?" I asked Dave changing my tone while rubbing the back of his head. Dave stared at me licking his lips while quietly chuckling.

"I'm going to get the chicken alfredo and as a drink, I would just want water. "He said not once looking at the waiter. I guess he was trying to restrain himself. "What do you want mamas?"

"You choose for me, "I said innocently pouting and batting my eyelashes at him.

" My girl would like the same as me but as a drink, she would like cranberry juice. " As the waiter turned to walk the other way, Dave spoke again," Aye, nigga, I swear on God, if you look at my girl in a way I don't appreciate, it's the end for you. " The guy nodded and walked away real fast.

"And the Oscar award for best duo goes to Dave and Moneice. " both of the clowns opposite us joked.

"He would've not left me alone if I hadn't pretended Dave was my man."

"Girl, you enjoyed that. U wish that was real" Cassie said trying to get a reaction out of me.

"Nah but Dave over here did an extraordinary job too. When you said the last part and I actually thought you believed it. " Josh said deciding to put his two cents in.

I rolled my eyes at both of them.

While waiting for the food, the lovebirds were enjoying conversation with themselves. Smiling at the view, Dave shuffled closer to me.

"The way you were looking at a nigga earlier made me feel some type of ma, "he whispered in my ear. My ovaries. My pants. My mind. This nigga was effortlessly sexy tf.

"What you mean?" I said innocently.

He chuckled. "You know what I'm talking about. "

" I mean it had to be done."

"I can name a couple of things I could do to you."He said looking down at lips. I would've kissed him there. The fuck I would've let him fuck me there but obviously, I wasn't going to let up. He had to show me through his actions that he was worthy of a chance again. Our food finally came with the waiter and Dave was doing a lot. I mean even I knew that it was time to stop. The waiter got the point. He been knowing I was off-limits.

After finishing up lunch, we decided to go around the mall and shop. Of course, Cass and Josh disappeared so I was just left with Big daddy Dave. I needed some clothes for upcoming motives so I couldn't let Dave being here stop me. I needed to go to one last store and honestly Dave was such great company and he didn't complain as much as I expected. Victoria Secret it was. I mean i don't know how i feel about going in here with a nigga I wasn't dating but then again idc.
"Ohhh you trying to get something nice for me I see."
" Ummmmm no."I screw faced him.

"Whatever I'll end up seeing them on you one day," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Sound so confident."

"I am confident. I'm the type of nigga if I want something ill get it and if I need something its's mine before I even know it. With you it's both. "

"You think you got me?"

"I know I got you, ma. You are mine and I'm yours. We just waiting for you to catch up and realise that."

As much as I enjoyed hearing his sweet words, I wasn't buying it completely. I just was going to wait it out. Let him show me if he meant it or not. I was satisfied single so whoever thought they wanted to cuff me had to show me a happiness that was better than the happiness i had now.

"I ain't  really feeling anything right now, let's just head out. "

MuseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon