Chapter 1

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"(Y/N)! there's been an attack, they want all medical reapers there immediately. You jolted from your task on the reaper you were currently trying to heal. Yuki was the designated leader  for the time being while Unohana was busy. She was in charge of guiding the other med reapers to the area where your help was needed. The male on the bed was in pain. He gave a weak nod. "It's alright you can go, there is probably someone worse off out there." You were hesitant but nodded anyway. "A-Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can." He smiled weakly giving you a thumbs up. You bolted off following your fellow squad members as they ran out to deal with the threat.

This was your life on a daily basis. You were a member of the fourth squad barracks. You knew full well how some of the others reapers viewed your squad. They thought  weaklings like you weren't necessary. You couldn't really argue the point, you weren't that strong. Fighting was never a gift that you possessed, so you joined squad four. Unohana was the kindest person you'd ever met. She never scolded you harshly when you made mistakes, she was always patient. In a lot of ways she was like the mother of squad four. You always looked up to her, hoping one day you could somehow obtain her strength and confidence. Another reason you'd join this squad was because you were terrified of death. It was ironic in a sense, you were a reaper, your job was to help the dead. In truth your fear was that you couldn't help anyone.

Growing up in the Rukon District you lost a lot of friends to the hands of hollows. At that point in time you were powerless, there was nothing you could do. Now that you were a reaper, you had the ability to save others, you weren't going to watch anyone die right before your eyes again.

Today was a particularly hectic day, hollows seemed to be attacking a little more frequent than usual, but what was new. You and six other squad officers made your way over to squad eleven barracks. Apparently a number of reapers had gotten wounded in battle.

A few minutes of what felt like endless running you made it. Over twenty reapers were lying still on the ground. You gasped at the sight. "W-We have to tend to them immediately. " 

Yuki spoke a bit shakily. You could tell from her tone she was terrified, but she didn't let it stop her from what needed to be done. She pulled her blond hair into a bun, rolling up her sleeves. A couple of them gave weary looks but nodded rushing to the injured.

You moved to the first person you saw, hands glowing as you started healing the gaping gash in his chest. About a minute or so of healing his brows shook, eyes opening slowly. His hand reached up to raise himself. He coughed out a mouthful of blood making you panic. "H-Hey!! P-please s-stay still, y-you'll be alright." you lips were trembling when you saw his eyes. His dark orbs looked almost lifeless. Your body froze as you watched the color slowly drain from his face, hand falling limply at his side.

"N-No....wake up...."

The glow reverted from your palms as the tears started to flow. Yuki glanced at you, eyes saddening. Your teeth clenched in anger. "These hollows...all they do is kill.. destroy.." your eyes lowered as you wept at the fallen reaper's side. The other med reapers surrounding you looked away trying to ensure their charges didn't meet the same faith. 

Yuki had successfully healed over four other reapers, getting them to lean against a nearby wall that looked sturdy. She stopped for a second, turning to comfort you. Her eyes turned wide when a shadow loomed over your devastated form. "(Y/N) WATCH OUT!!" you flinched at the yell turning your head quickly. Your breath hitched at the hollow that was now towering over you. Before you had a chance to react it swung it's hand knocking you into a wall. You body skidded as you cried out in pain, crashing into the harsh surface. Yuki gritted her teeth as the other  med reapers screamed in terror scrambling away from the huge monster. A number of the injured were still lying on the ground, they hadn't gotten a chance to heal everyone. Ten of them were still unconscious, bleeding out on the ground. The hollow approached menacingly as Yuki pulled out her sword.

Her entire body was trembling. She'd face off hollows before but never one this big. It looked about half the size of a menos grande. It's face was oddly shaped but the masked was there, white teeth spread in a wide grin. Yuki's blue eyes shifted momentarily to (Y/N). You were pulling yourself out of the rubble, body covered in scratches.

"I-I can't leave her here..." the blond thought. Yuki knew she wasn't a skilled fighter but she could at least hold it off long enough for you to get away.

"Trying to be a hero reaper."  Yuki flinched at the distorted tone of the hollow, hands tightening on the blade. It chuckled darkly moving over to the male (Y/N ) had been attending to. It picked the male up effortless, tossing him through the sky. Your head raised when you saw the male's limp body getting thrown like a rag doll. His body crashed to the ground, a sickening crack echoing throughout the area.

You looked down watching the blood seep from the male's head. Your eyes were wide, shaking in disbelief. Yuki was completely terrified, dropping the sword in her hand at what had just happened. "H-He was already d-dead, y-you didn't have to..."

The hollow let out a blood chilling laugh. "You reapers are pathetic, just when I thought my meal would fight back. How disappointing." Without so much as a warning the hollow shot forward in Yuki's direction. Moving at an alarming speed. Yuki flinched placing her hands in front of her fearfully. There was no way she could fight it.

This was it.

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