1. Once upon a time

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[Please read the notes at the end of each chapter. Sometimes I bring news or just stuff I want you guys to be aware of. Happy reading.]

MAIN TRACK: Bring Me The Horizon - MANTRA

Harry Styles -

- Of course we know it's destructive.

We work hard to make it so. -

[3 months after prologue].

The sun is warm, high up on the blue Californian sky and it drowns us and my L.A. villa in bright light.

Sitting in one of the deckchairs on my patio I press my phone to the ear as I let my head drop back and collide with the soft, white pillow of the chair.

"I'm here to relax, Jeff. I didn't come all the fucking way over here to have you nag my bloody ear off about this again." I bark into the communication device in my one hand.

The shades hiding my eyes do frustratingly little to protect them from the frying summer's sun and I tilt my head to the side, trying my best to avoid the source of warmth.

"I know, Harry. But the band is ready and all we have to do is whip up some songs. Your last album was a success and you've had time off after your tour." My manager tells me fatherly, with just a hint of professionalism.

Snarling I sit up and let my feet touch the warm wooden floor each side of the chair and I let my head hang limp between my shoulders. Slowly do I rock back and forth as I run my free hand through my messy curls.

"I already told you this; I want to do harder this time; more honesty in it. I don't want to walk the line between pop and rock. I won't do shit just because you want coin on your pocket, mate." I mutter bitterly as I look up.

In front of me on a slightly lower level is the green lawn, also holding the bright blue swimming pool. Ruth sits on the tiled edge of it with her legs in the sparkling water and Andy's wife Juliet, laughs as she splashes water onto the dryer girl.

Juliet is a rad bird and I fucking envy Andy for having her. Even after they got married things just kept progressing to the better. Personally I can't keep a chick longer than six months until they bore me.. Or they leave my sorry ass after fewer, claiming me to be too much of a bloody prick.

"And I have told you that you can't stray farther from the One Direction thing. You'll lose fans, fame." Jeff argues and I chew the inside of my cheek. One Direction was fun, don't get me wrong: But it's not me and it never was. That was just a way to climb and to develop. I don't even have contact with anyone from the band anymore, part some with Liam.

"Going into heavier things will ruin it and it's not your thing." He adds sternly and I huff before throwing one of my legs over the chair so I can sit on its edge. I wave to Andy with his black hair like midnight water in the bright light, as he rummages in the small refrigerator after some beer.

He waves to let me know he saw me and brings out two bottles. Oli sits by the table, flipping through his phone as he search for music good enough to be played.

"My mother told me I couldn't get inked at such an early age but I did, and the people loved it. Modest told me I couldn't be such a fucking little shit but I was, and it has gotten me this far. You keep telling me I should ease my drinking and the cocaine but me fucking up in public is what make the press explode. So pardon me Jeff, when I don't trust your judgment on this." I preach cockily before my attention is drawn to the pool when Ruth screams loudly. Juliet pulled her under and if lucky she may even drown the young model.

Jeff hooked us up because both of us needed fresh PR and the neat little contract coming with it tells me I only have to stand her one more month.

"I'm your manager Harry and I'm a manager because I know these things. You'll only harm yourself and your work." Jeff bites back and with a sigh I stand up, the same second Andy comes over to hand me the cold, brown bottle of beer.

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