Chapter 2

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James Humphrey walked down to the end of the hall where his locker was. Today was the day. He was going to do it. He just had to find Caroline. Suddenly someone tapped his shoulder. He turned quickly.

"Calm down dude. Just me." Logan laughed.

"You scared me!" James said.

"Ha. You find Caroline yet?" He asked.

"No." James closed his locker. "Not yet."

"You'll find her." Logan looked at who walked in the door. "Layla!" He turned to James. "You met my sister yet?"

James shook his head.

"Layla!" Logan said. "What's up twinny!"

"Ew don't call me that." She flipped her platinum blonde hair over her shoulder.

"You guys are twins! That's so cool! I'm a twin!" James said.

"No way!" Layla laughed. "Is your twin a boy or girl?"

"Girl." James frowned.

"Ha! Well maybe we can all hang out sometime!" Layla waved. "Bye boys!"

"Bye." They said in unison.

"Damn son. Your sisters...." James started to say.

"I know right! So annoying." Logan laughed. "Come on let's go to lunch."

"Right. Annoying." James saw Caroline turn the corner towards him. "Actually I'll meet up with you later. Gotta take care of something."

Logan saw Caroline. "Ahhh. Got it dude. Good luck!"

"Thanks." James walked towards Caroline.

"Hey babe!" She squealed hugging him. "What's up!"

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

"Sure." She looked both ways. "Wanna go in the Janitor closet to talk?"

" Not that kind of talk." He said embarrassed a little.

"Oh." She frowned. "Then what's wrong?"

"I just wanted to tell's over." James said.

"Uh...excuse me?" Caroline said in shock. "I don't understand."

"Well, understand this. We. Are. Over. I'm just not into you anymore. Sorry." James quickly turned and walked to the lunchroom at top speed leaving Caroline in shock.


'Ding Ding'

True or False: Is the IT couple not an IT any more? True. Mr Humphrey him self dumped his gf of 5 years in the hallway today. Sorry C. Looks like your ex has his eyes set for a certain platinum member. Better luck next time! Xoxo -gossip girl

Lily had to reread this blast three times.

'What? Where is Caroline?' She thought. She unlocked her pink IPhone 5C and called her.

"Hello?" Someone sniffled on the other end.

"C? What happened? Is the blast true?" Lily asked.

"Yes." Caroline sobbed. "My life is over!"

"It's not over. Where are you?" Lily asked worriedly.

"Home. I had Pierre pick me up early." She said.

"What! We are supposed to be at the met steps in 10 minutes!" She said.

"I don't wanna go." Caroline groaned.

"I'm calling your mother if your not here in 8 minutes. You know what she says..." Lily warned.

"Yeah Yeah. 'Waldorf women don't cry, they fight.' Whatever. See you there." Caroline hung up.

'Great.' Lily thought. 'Now to find my excuse of a twin.'


Lily walked out to the courtyard to find her brother sitting with his friends.

"James." She smiled. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure what's up?" He asked not moving.

"Alone." She said.

"Whatever. Hold up guys, gotta deal with this." He walked across the courtyard with Lily. "Whaddup?"

"Whaddup? Really? That's all you have to say? Why would you do that to Caroline! I thought you were in love! She was your first kiss! You guys were perfect! And if there were fights I would know! So why would you dump her? And I want a good excuse! Not some bullshitty one!" Lily screamed.

He stared at his sister. "I just didn't like her anymore..."

"That's BS. Tell me the truth." Lily crossed her arms.

"Fine. I like someone else. And I want to date her. I just don't like Caroline anymore. The other girl is so much more fun!"

"Who? Who could be better then Caroline!" Lily asked.

"You'll find out in about 5 minutes. When everyone else does." He turned back to his friends.

Then Lily's phone buzzed.

Uh oh Caroline. Looks like your ex-beau moved on a bit fast. Mr Humphrey already has a new girl. Take a look. Who is this platinum blonde girl? Well well well Doll Face, better watch your back. Waldorf women don't go done without a fight.


Lily opened the picture to see her brother with his arm around a girl with platinum blonde hair. Who is she?


Well? What do you guys think? Hope you like this! Stay tuned!

Who do you think the platinum blonde is? Hmm.

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