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We all new what Vern was taking about. He had buried a quarter of penny's under his porch at the start of summer. He made a map, but his mom had thrown away the map. Vern had been digging for 9 months. As for the dead body we all new it was Ray Brower we had followed the story as he was a kid our age. 

It was Chris's voice this time that broke my train of thought. "Jesus Christ man, if they would have known you were under there they would have killed you." 

"Could he have gone all the way from Chamberlain to Harlow that's really far." Gordie state's.

"Sure, he must of started walking along the train tracks. Then followed them the whole way." 

"Then when the train came along." Teddy claps his hands together,  "El smacko."

Chris then get's a look on his face like an idea just popped into his head. "Hey guys I'll bet you that if we find him we'll get our pictures in the paper." I thought it was a great idea a chance to get change the way people looked at my name.

"Yeah we can even be on TV." 

"We'll be hero's." A chorus's of yeah's echoed through the treehouse.

"I don't know Billy will know I found out." Vern says timidly 

" He's not going to care, because it's gonna be us guys who find him not Billy and Charlie they probably pin a medal on you Vern." Gordie says 

"Wait what do we tell our folks." I say finally entering the conversation.

"Exactly what you said, will tell our folks that camping out in Vern's backyard, You tell your folks your sleeping over at Teddy's. Then we say were going to the drag races the next day." Gordie explains.

"Man that's a plan and a half." Chris says skinning it with Gordie.

"If we do find that kids body then they'll know we didn't go to the drag races we will get hided." Vern says panicked but of course Teddy straightened him out.

"Nobody will care because they will be so jazzed about what we have found its not going to make a difference." 

"Yeah I mean my dad will hide my anyway but hey its worth a hiding." Chris says excitedly 

"Same but this is gonna be great hey let's do it, what do you say." I say in rush. Chris agrees straight away.

"Hell yeah." Teddy says with the same excitement.

"Gordie." Chris asks.

"Sure." He says almost reluctantly. Last person Vern.


"I don't know."


"Come on Verno."

Chris get's up giving Vern a noogie. Teddy pinching his cheek.

"Ok, ok."

Chris, Teddy and I yell excitedly Gordie looks not even half as pleased as us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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