"That's not true!" I argue. Mika rubs his temples and I can tell I'm starting to piss him off.

"Please cooperate with me, Yuu. This is a cruel world, is it not? Technically I did them a favour." Tears stream down my cheeks.

"Y-You didn't!" Mika pushes himself off of the bed and starts pacing around the room. My heartbeat increases to a fast rate because I figure I made him mad. "M-Mika?" He doesn't look at me.

"Forgive me, Yuu, but vampires tend to get kind of...hungry during storms."

Greaaaat. So now I have to worry about the storm itself, and Mika attacking me due to his hunger. Perfect. What a fun night this'll be.

Mika looks at me with red eyes.

"Yuu-chan, my love. Please...I know this is crazy but I don't want to hurt you."


Why do I feel like I'm not going to like what he has to say next?

"Yuu-chan, I need to sacrifice one more of your friends." My eyes widen in horror and I jump up from the bed.

"NO!" I scream, running to the door and blocking it. Mika looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Yuu-chan, I won't kill him I promise! Just a little bite, okay?"

"No please!" I wail, still trying to block the door. "Take me instead!"

"I can't bite you yet, Yuu! You don't understand! It would be different if I were to bite you!"

"W-What?!" I'm so confused! Mika is not making any sense. Mika tries to step around me, but I still block him.

"I will just take a sip from that pink-haired one, okay?"

"No Mika please! He'll turn into a vampire! Don't do this to him!" Mika shakes my shoulders lightly.

"I'm sorry, Yuu." He pushes me aside and swings the door open. I run after him outside of the room and down the hall. Two guards that stand outside of Kimi's door pull be back and throw me to the ground. I sob helplessly.

There's nothing I can do now.


*Yoichi's POV*

"Yoichi, stop crying."

Lacus is the only vampire that has treated me well here. After the losses of Shinoa and Mitsu, I've basically been a wreck. I haven't seen Yuu for some time and apparently I'm not allowed to see him yet, or even leave my room for that matter. Lacus comes to my room and gives me much needed company.

"Two of my best friends are gone, I'm separated from Kimi, and Yuu-kun is suffering," I wail. "I can't even do anything to help because I'm trapped in this stupid room! Why shouldn't I cry?" Lacus sighs and places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Yoichi. This is partly my fault. I helped Mika to keep you and the others here. I just didn't know it would turn out this way...Mika usually isn't like this. I think it's that he's in love with Yuu a little too much."

"He's obsessed with him!" I sob. Lacus squeezes my shoulder lightly.

"I'm afraid your right."

All of a sudden, there's sobbing and screaming. I jolt up and Lacus and I exchange worried glances. Mika is either:

1) Tormenting Yuu.

2) Killing Kimizuki.

3) Yuu is having a mental/emotional breakdown.


I panic and get up, running to the door and banging on it, trying to alarm the guards standing outside of it. They don't even move an inch.

"LET ME OUT! I NEED TO SEE WHAT'S WRONG! MY FRIENDS ARE IN DANGER!" Lacus runs to my side and pulls me back.

"Yoichi! Stop this! Mika wants you in here." I grab Lacus' arms and tug on them.

"Lacus please! Tell them to let me out! If you care about me please do this! If you're sorry then prove it!" Lacus bites his lip and stares at the door nervously.


"You...?" All of a sudden, Lacus' eyes turn red. All the colour drains from my face and I take a few steps back. Thunder booms outside and lightening momentarily lights the bedroom up. "Lacus? What's going on?" I ask nervously. He swallows thickly.

"I...uh, Yoichi stay where you are," I freeze. Lacus glances outside and panic flashes across his face. "The storm is bad..."

"What does that mean?" I choke out, while trying to stay perfectly still. My face is still wet with tears from crying, and I really wish I could wipe them away right now.

"It means that the vampires here are going to lose control. We crave blood and become very hungry during bad storms. The worser the storm, the worser the craving."

"A-Am I going to die?"

"No." Lacus darts to the door and knocks on it roughly.

"What are you doing?"

"Shh!" He shushes me. He turns to the door. "Open this door." He demands the guards.


"This is Lacus! I said open it! Open this d*mn door right now or I'll tell the king." The door swings open and there are the two sweating guards. They hold the door open and Lacus motions for me to go. I give him a quick nod of thank you and run out.

I sprint down the hall and freeze at the sight before me. Yuu is on his knees with his face in his hands, between two guards. The door to Kimi's room is wide open and Mika is no where to be seen. A sickening feeling comes into my stomach when I inch closer and realise that Yuu is sobbing Kimi's name.


Panic sets in and I dart past the guards when they're too preoccupied with Yuu to notice. I run to the door and gasp, throwing a hand over my mouth. Bile comes up to my throat when I see Mika leaning over Kimi, who's passed out and neck is bleeding. Mika pulls back, mouth and fangs wet with Kimizuki's blood.

My heart stops when I realise one thing; Kimizuki's going to turn into a vampire.

I run to him with horror in my eyes. Mika steps back with this guilty look on his face, and I don't hesitate with what I do next. I slap him right across the face and then throw myself at Kimi's passed out body. Mika doesn't react to my slap but instead hangs his head in shame.

I shake Kimizuki and gasp when he starts to groan.

"Kimizuki! Can you hear me?"

No response.

"Kimi!" More groaning, and then he finally opens his eyes. I'm relieved to see that he's okay, until I notice one odd thing.

The bite mark on his neck is starting to heal. What the...?

"Yoichi." I look up at him and I freeze suddenly.

"K-Kimizuki?" All the colour drains from my face. Do you want to know why?

Because suddenly, Kimizuki's eyes slowly change to red.


A.N. Ooooo...haha... ;) Please vote and comment! Thanks so much for reading! A quick IMPORTANT information update will be next, then the next chapter. Please read the IMPORTANT information chapter that's next! Thank you!

Love ya! :) xx

~Nia :D xoxo

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