"Rasberry Sgroppino" She replied taking another sip of the cold drink. Chris watched as she drank it not even fazed by it at all. 

"Doesn't that have an sh*t ton of vodka, are you trying to get drunk?" He asked, of course, he asked. He was always concerned about her well being. It was his thing to make sure she was okay. But no matter how sweet his actions were, somehow it was just suffocating.  

"Well, that's the goal." She stated dryly. She really didn't want to talk to Chris. The nicer he was to her, the more guilt she felt. It is an overwhelming feeling really, not being able to talk to him, because everything she did only cause him to worry, and more he worried the more he felt inclined to not tell her no. It was a cycle.

"I think the goal of tonight was just to relax and forget everything that is going on." He said trying to continue their conversation when it was clear that she did not want to speak about it anymore. 

"Yeah, but some of us just need a bit more than a night off to forget our troubles, Evans." She said. Her voice was cold and distant, Chris was beginning to think he had done something. Maybe it was her voice or the fact she called him Evans. He was never Evans, not to her at least. Only when she was mad, stressed or upset. But Chris knew better than to start an argument. 

"Okay well, I guess I will allow you to destress by yourself." He said. He pushed himself up and began to walk away from her when he heard her faint voice, stopping him in his tracks to listen to her. 

"Why do you do that? Why do you always focus so much on helping me? Or make me happy?" She asked. Her voice was no sad and the effects of the alcohol were running through her blood. 

"Well, I care about you Scar, you are important to me, so I wanna make sure you are safe and happy." He said, his words just melted her heart, making her want to cry. 

"Even when you obviously don't want to do something?" She asked, it almost made Chris freeze. But he slowly walked back to her and sat down taking her hand into his own. His face showed them how confused he was. 

"Scarlett, everything that I have done for you was because I wanted to do it. You know that I have told you already that you are beyond important to me, that you are my best friend. and if you asked for it I would give you the world." He spoke softly towards her, knowing that she was in a delicate situation. 

"But at what cost?" She chocked out. She wasn't trying to accuse him of being fake, she just wanted to know why he would rather see her happy than worry about his own well being. Because she couldn't figure out what was so special about herself, there isn't anything special at all. So why did he care so much? 

"What are you talking about?  There is no cost too high or too low that would make  me not want to do something if it means you are happy." He said sternly. He was trying very hard to figure out why this was so hard for her to understand. He knew that he had feelings for the wonderful beautiful woman in front of him, but she didn't know that, but even so who wouldn't want to make sure she wasn't happy? 

"Chris," She finally turned to him, and Chris was stunned to see the tears on her face. "if you didn't want to meet our daughter why didn't you just tell me?" She asked, and Chris's heart felt like stopping. Never would he have thought that those words would come out of her mouth. 

"I uh... I " He didn't know what to say. But then again what was he suppose to say? That he only did it for her? Because he was in love with her and seeing her happy was better than admitting he was scared. Scared to be a father. Scared he would ruin that girl's life if he even tried to be her father. 

"Because I thought that you were excited that you were happy. When I told you that I was ready to find her you said that you were okay with it. But you weren't, so why Chris? Why would you lie to me?" She asked, not harshly, but softly. 

"Scarlett, I know you want an answer, but I can't tell you. Not yet at least. You have to give me time." He asked one thing from her. She wanted an answer but she knew that she had to wait until he was ready, because she was going to do something for him. "And as for everything else, I just wasn't ready because I was scared." He finally admitted it.

"Scared? Of me or her?" She asked, her voice was soft and caring, like a mother talking to her kid. 

"Of being a father. I was scared. I have been scared since I found out she was going to be born. I was scared that I wouldn't and couldn't be the father she needs me to be. That I would somehow mess up her life. Because she is an amazing girl, and she deserves so much then what I can even begin to offer her. So I decided that if I just kept some distance then maybe I could be okay." He tried to explain all his feelings to her. Scarlett didn't judge, she sat there and listened to everything he had to say. She was going to be there for him now. 

"Chris I know how scared you are. Being a parent is probably the scariest thing in the world, and I know you are afraid of disappointing her. But I think that if you are just there for her, then she will be okay. If you make a mistake, well guess what she will be mad for a while, but she will forgive you. I think that after missing so much from her life that just being there for her is better than not being there." She tried her best to explain this concept to Chris. She knew that this was going to be hard, but Chris was tough and so was Nicole, they would somehow find common grounds. 

"I just think that we have missed so much in her life already that it's hard to just show up and know what we are supposed to do," He said, and Scarlett nodded her head. 

"Yes, it's very scary. But we can learn together. I know in the past we have made impulsive decisions Chris, but right now we can't. Because there is someone out there who wants to get to know us. And we need to decide now if we can be those people for her. We can't run around getting her hopes up." She said. By now the alcohol in her system was gone, and she was starting to recall today's plans, but it hadn't hit, and probably won't until the next morning when her hangover kicks in. 

"I can't do it alone, I am scared. Scared I will fail." Chris spoke with complete honesty. Because if there was anyone in the world who he could speak freely towards it would be Scarlett. "And my parents still haven't spoken to me, my brother practically hates me along with my sisters. It's like I have lost them. I just can't lose anyone else, it hurts way too much." 

"And you won't, because I can be here for you. I will be here for you if you let me. I know how you feel, my parents walked away from me, not even speaking a word to me before leaving or to their granddaughter, and besides my sister, I can't help but feel like everyone is disappointed in me." Scarlett told him. "I just want you to know Chris, I would and could never hate you. I may say things, but just know there is just something in my heart that won't ever allow me to hate you." 

"Scar, I just need to know you won't leave me. Because I don't know what I will do if you aren't in my life." He said looking into her green piercing eyes. Scarlett almost wanted to cry. She would never leave him. 

"Chris I swear, no matter where life takes us, you can count on me. Even if I am a million miles away, I will be there for you." She said. There was a calm silence between the two before she stood up opening her arms up for a hug. Chris smiled and wrapped his arms around her small body. "We can do this Chris, we can do it." She repeated in their hug. 

"How can you be so sure?" He asked into her neck. 

"Because as long as we have each other I know we can do anything." 

As they hugged, many things ran through Scarlett's mind. But then it hit her. all these things about being there for her kid. She had forgotten about dinner with Nicole. 

Guys, I am absolute garbage. I say it won't take me a month to update....and what a lie. I promise I am trying very hard. But as you can see it's not working out so much. But thank you for being patient, and just know that my birthday is on the 25 this month and as a gift from me to you, I will update either on or before that day! (or this is just another empty promise) but I will try. 

Thank you! Don't forget to vote and comment,

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