Nockfell High - rp start

39 0 0

these are just optional to go off of

please put the number of which starter you're using and which character you'd like me to play as when commenting

1. You've been motoring through the day pretty smoothly. When it comes to lunch though, you have no idea where to sit or who to sit with. After walking cluelessly around the cafeteria for a bit you...
  -1a. See a table with a few people sitting together on one side. A goth looking girl, some obese kid, a metalhead with a big nose, a girl(?) with a mask, a normal looking girl, and some nerdy looking guy. They all look pretty friendly. You...
  -1b. See a mostly empty table aside from and guy with what looks like a black eye and yellow highlighter hair. He doesn't look too welcoming, but that seems like your only choice left. You...

2. Start your own! (please tell me who to play as)

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