How Do You Do This Whole Dating Thing?

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Everything was perfectly normal for a week after Peter had gone back to school. Or, rather, as normal as things can be when you have a teenager, a feisty businesswoman and a multi-billionaire/superhero living under one roof. Yup, everything was going great.

    “Mrs. Potts!” Peter yelled, tearing through the hallways to get to her office. He was breathing hard from running at a dead sprint, but the burning in his legs felt great; he hadn’t had a chance to run in a while.

    “Woah, Peter.” Happy stopped Peter just a few feet outside the door to Pepper’s office.

    “No, I need to see Mrs. Potts!” Peter says, trying to juke around Happy.

    “Yeah, nice try kid.” Happy snorts. “She specifically told me, head of security, not to let anyone into her office today. She’s extremely busy with a lot of work.

    “Please, it’ll be super quick!” Peter pleads.

    “Go bother Tony.” Happy rolls his eyes.

    “He can’t help with this!”

    “I’m pretty sure he can help with anything.”

    “Not this!” Peter cries. “Happy, please!” At this point, Pepper had heard all the yelling and had looked out to see Happy forcefully pushing Peter down the hallway. She laughed as she saw Peter backflip over Happy’s head and rush towards the door, only to swing onto the ceiling a second later when Happy tried to tackle Peter.

    “What’s going on out here?” She opens the door, unable to contain her smile, seeing Happy poking Peter with a broom, trying to get him off the ceiling.

    “Pepper, your kid is a menace.” Happy said in a business-like tone. He straightened up, and smoothed out his suit jacket.

    “Mrs. Potts, Happy threatened to spray me with bug repellent.” Peter says in a tone mocking Happy’s.

    “I would never!” Happy said, brandishing the broom again threateningly. Pepper just laughs. “You guys need to get along.” She shakes a finger pointedly.

    “Alright, you heard the boss!” Happy claps his hands together. “Begone, spider-child. Let Mrs. Potts work in peace.”

    “Woah, woah.” Pepper raises two hands, staring between the both of them. “If Peter needs to talk to me about something, then he’s definitely allowed in my office.”

    “Yeah, Happy.” Peter jumps down from the ceiling and smooths his shirt as he walks past Happy.

    “Watch it, I still have that bug spray.” Happy growls quietly to Peter. Peter just grins at Happy and passes him into Pepper’s office.

    “So, what’s up, Peter?” Pepper says, shuffling some papers on her desk and reading them. She asks the question distractedly, and Peter bites his lip, debating whether or not to distract her from her work.

    “You’re not distracting me.” As if she read his mind, she talks to him over the top of the paper she’s looking at. A second later, she sets it down. “Don’t worry. What’s going on?”

    “Well, uh…” Peter didn’t really know how to phrase it. He was a jumble of nerves, from both what he needed to tell her, and if she would be able to help him. The last time he had needed help with something like this, it was at homecoming. But, surely, this was different, right?

    “What do you do…” He grimaces at how awkward he’s being. “If you get asked on a date?” Pepper stares at him for a second, taking in the question. He can see it click in her mind, and her eyes widen in surprise.

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