Thor's Week Day 2 - Family

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The Asgardians had been aboard the Statesman for weeks now, or, at least, what seemed like weeks. It was difficult to tell the time in space. The Asgardians were all gathered in the makeshift throne room, occupying themselves with whatever they could think of. Thor was seated in his throne up the front of the room, staring out of the large picture window into deep space. This had become a habit; staring at nothing in particular, his thoughts racing so fast that he couldn't quite hold on to any one long enough. He often tries to talk to people, to avoid that feeling, that everything was being taken away right after he was just beginning to appreciate it, but the Asgardians were too afraid to talk to him, and most of his close friends didn't feel that close anymore.

Every day was exactly the same to Thor. Wake up, eat, sit in the small room that was converted in to an office for a few hours and stare at the wall, pretending to make plans about the future of the kingdom and hope that Bruce would turn up to distract him. Then it was lunch, more sitting around doing nothing, and the occasional visit to the throne room, which was where the Asgardians usually gathered in between meal times. The sights in there never really changed. There was always a group of younger people sitting a corner of the room talking or playing games, Korg telling stories of his days on Sakaar, Heimdall standing at the window looking out across the realms. Thor wondered if anything would change when they got to Midgard. When they got to Midgard. Right now, when was the word that everyone wanted to hear. If people asked the king questions, or he made an announcement, Thor would always say when. But there was a voice in the corner of his mind always correcting the statement: If they got to Midgard. And Thor knew it was right. They were floating through deep space on a large ship with few defence systems. Who knows what could be out there waiting for them. The Warriors Three and Asgard's army had been killed when Hela invaded, and even thought Heimdall had begun teaching a few people how to fight, it wasn't enough to construct a whole new army. Thor would have preferred Brunnhilde to be teaching them – It would do them good having a few more Valkyries on board – but she spent all day locked in the bridge, piloting the ship. Well, not really piloting, as the Statesman was on an auto-pilot-locked-trajectory heading straight to Midgard, but she was there just in case anything happened. Thor often tried to go and talk to her, but this was always with no avail.

The other two Revengers weren't easy to talk to either. Most days, Bruce would wander around the ship talking to himself. He hadn't completely come to terms with the fact that he's on a space. Sometimes he'd go to Thor's office to talk to the god, but those were rare occasions. Loki would simply lock himself in a room with a book and only come out for food.

This was how they all lived, day in, day out. There were a few times, usually meal times, when someone would strike up a conversation, and the table would be full of twinkling eyes and hearty laughter. These were the moments Thor cherished the most. When the four Revengers all forgot about their worries and all that had happened, and simply enjoyed each other's company. These times when they were more than Thor's friends, they were his family. They could never completely replace the people he'd lost in the past, but they were certainly the people he cared for most in the present.


A/N: Sorry it's a day late. and really bad. 

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