Happy Birthday

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“Hiccup!” you called over and over again, searching for a familiar head of wild auburn hair. Fighting your way through the crowds of bellowing Vikings and dragons, you continued your search. Today was your best friend Hiccup’s birthday, and the whole island of Berk was celebrating. You had only seen him once this morning before he was whisked off by yet another party goer wishing him a happy birthday. You hadn’t even gotten to say hello. So here you were, searching for that no good dragon rider. At some point in your search, your vision began to swirl, and you began to get dizzy with all the overwhelming noises, smells, and the abundance of color. Your not sure at which point you managed to collapse to the ground, the dirt worming its way into your throat causing you to cough.

The world was one big confusing streak of color as you looked up, but then you noticed the only clear thing appearing at the moment- a hand reaching out to you. A very familiar hand, with a crescent scar on the palm from when you were eight, and he had just begun to handle Gobber’s weapons. You wondered why the hand was reaching out to you anyways. Realization dawned on you as you felt the cobbles of the road digging into your back like scales and remembered you were still on the ground. As you had almost every day of your life, you reached out and took the hand.

The whole world lurched as you were dragged to your feet and your __(E/C)__ eyes met the sparkling green that belonged to Hiccup. He smiled his trademark grin and asked,

“Now what were you doing on the ground? Trying to get trampled?” Cheeks flushed just a bit as you noticed yourclose proximity to his face, you replied

“No. I tripped!”

He laughed, a sound that echoed like music, and made you want to join in, but you resisted.

“It’s not funny! And since I was looking for you, its half your fault!” His brow creased, and your heart skipped a beat at the adorable look of confusion on his face.

“My fault? Why were you looking for me anyway?”

“I haven’t given you your present yet.” Hiccup’s eyes lit up, and his mouth moved up into a brilliant smile.

“Really? What is it?” You smiled evilly, and took his hand.

“Come with me and I’ll show you!” You took off running, your __H/C__ hair flowing behind you, and you ran through the crowds once more, past buildings and houses and towards the forest, with Hiccup at your heels. Finally, you reached your destination. The valley that was your secret hidaway, where Hiccup had first met Toothless. He stopped behind you, breathing hard.

“So where’s my present?” You took a deep breath, swallowing your nervousness. For years you’d had a crush on Hiccup, and he’d never noticed. You didn’t know if he felt the same way as you, but you knew that if you didn’t do something, you’d never know for sure. It was now or never. Taking a quick glance around you looked at your surroundings. The sky was a breath taking blue, and there were tiny cotton candy clouds dotting it. A gentle breeze blew through the trees, making the leaves dance across the branches. The water on the lake was calm, like a mirror of glass. Hiccup was standing there in front of you, His auburn hair slightly ruffled, his big green eyes twinkling.

It was perfect.

So in two bounds, you leaped up and pressed your lips against his. At first, nothing happened, Hiccup was still in shock, but then, slowly, he began to kiss you back, and just for a moment the sun shined down just right and the wind was soft on your skin, and for an eternity you stayed like that, until finally you broke apart. Looking into his eyes, and big goofy smile on his lips, you leaned over and whispered in his ear,

“Happy Birthday, Hiccup.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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