We talk about weddings ♥

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"What is that!" Jessie exclaims as her fingertips press against Alyss's neighbors cat wind chime. When the bells hit against each other I swear it sounded like a high screeched meow.

"Honestly," Jessie moves her hand wisely away from the chime. "I think I could have gone my whole life without hearing that sound. I think I would rather hear Jacks send sexually awful innuendos my way for an hour than listen to that again."

I want to call her on her bluff but instead I raise my fist to the door and knock. Usually Alyssa worked the night shift at the hospital and since it was almost six in the afternoon, I was hoping I caught her just as she was about to get up.

"Hang on!" A voice on the other end yells and I exhaled in relief. This was seriously going to happen. Jessie must sense my nerves because she reaches down and squeezes my hand reassuringly. "Just think, the worst thing she can do is throw a lamp at your head. Maybe it will brighten your day?" She smiles broadly at her stupid pun and I jerk my hand out of hers. She lost her privileges.

The door swings open and I almost step back at the scene in front of me. Alyssa stands in the doorway, a brush in her hand and a toothbrush shoved in her mouth. Half her hair is straight and the other looked like a rat took a well resting nap in the curls.

"Jesus, " Jessie says, not knowing when to keep her mouth shut. "The hell happened to you? It looks like you died last night and we just raised you from your grave." Alyssa pops the tooth brush out of her mouth and points it at Jess. "I don't have time for your wise comments. I'm running late." She doesn't even tell us to follow her. She just turns on her heel and leaves the door open, expecting us to fall in step behind her. Rolling her eyes, Jess enters first.

You could tell the difference between Alyssa and Kassi's houses by just taking one look. Alyssa has clothes haphazardly strewn through the whole living room. A heel rests on a mantel and a bra is suspiciously pushed under a throw pillow. Jessie raises her eyebrows when she notices a half empty bottle of vodka on the counter but otherwise don't show any emotion toward the mess. I, on the other hand, want to take a sponge to everything. My inner control freak was screaming.

Jessie takes her spot on one of the bar stools and Alyssa finishes brushing her teeth in the kitchen sink. "So, Alyssa, the other Webster sister, we have some business to discuss. Involving another Webster sister. And a wedding of sorts."

I glare at Jess." Way to be subtle." She shrugs nonchalantly as if this doesn't phase her at all. Alyssa looks up from the sink, her toothbrush abandoned now for a straightener. Did she not have a bathroom?

"Look, Grace, we went over this the last time you called. I'm not going." I watch as her hair smooths out, trying to figure out a way to go about this. Whatever happened between Kassi and her needed to be resolved. "Listen, I know first hand that Kassi wants you there. Can't you guys just make up for this one day? It's kind of an important one." Alyssa sits down the straightener and blandly looks at me. She's not taking any bullshit today.

"The last place I want to be is that wedding. All I will see is her and Liam's happily ever after love and my parents who will no doubt bombarded me ruthlessly with endless questions of my life and when I'll fill Kassi's shoes. News flash: I'm not her."

"I'm not saying-" I try to cut in, but she charges on, on a roll now.

"Let's not forget about her friend Candice. That women is enough to make someone go insane,"

"Amen!" Jess chimes in enthusiastically and I shake my head.

"Not only will she chide me for not getting my life together, but so will Kassi. She tells me all the time how I need to change and how I'm on the wrong path and guess what Grace? I'm tired of hearing it. So, no, I could care less about that stupid wedding. I'm tired of hearing about it." She throws her toothbrush onto the counter and grabs a scrunched up shirt off the counter. I watch her for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Alyssa if this is about the whole 'gay' thing..." Alyssa sighs and closes her eyes slowly. Alyssa had a way of making you feel stupid with just that exhale of air alone. "I'm so tired of it always being this 'gay' thing. Like being gay is not a thing. It just is. That's why I refuse to go to the wedding to start with. I would have to wear some ridiculous dress and smile for photos and pretend everything's okay when the truth is Grace? Nothing is okay. Everything about my family and our relationship is a mess and here I am getting worked up about something I don't even have an option on anymore. My question is this: Why do you care all of a sudden?"

She had a point. Why was I here sitting in her kitchen practically demanding the girl go to her sister's wedding. It's not like it affected me either way. I think back to my earlier theory about my own life reflecting my actions. Maybe talking to Ashley and finding out the story between her and Ross made me realize how important it is to speak up and to show you care.

"You know," Jess starts while eyeing the vodka bottle like she is going to steal it. "What's the worse that can come out of this? You end up not talking to them like you are now?" Alyssa looks at Jess like she's crazy. "What I am saying is give it a shot. You not only get bragging rights for showing up but I'm praying there is an open bar and if that's the case we can sit at the bar, drink, and make fun of Candice all night. I mean what a life," Jessie sighs like played the whole scenario in her head and couldn't wait to act on it. I kick her a little with my boot.

Alyssa eyes the two of us before throwing up her hair in a high knot. "I'll think about it. Is that good enough for the two of you?" I open my mouth to probably start another not so convincing rant when Jess shoot me a look and nods. "That works." Taking the cue I start to make my way to the door. I don't know why but it feels like I really accomplished nothing by showing up. Maybe Alyssa would take what we said and actually try to show up for her sister. Maybe for once her family can look past what the consider Alyssa's faults and finally find a way to mend their relationship.

"I think-" Jess doesn't even get to finish the sentence before my phone goes off. I look down at the unfamiliar number and frown. "Are you going to answer that?" Jess yells over the noise obnoxiously and I step outside and close the door before answering the phone.


"You would think," The guy on the other side drawls. "That a person with such creativity as yourself would find a better way to answer a phone. Hello is just too mundane nowadays."

"Who is this?"

A sad sigh. "Grace Carter, I thought we were better than this. This is Den aka Prince Charming aka your date for the night." I try not to roll my eyes.

"How did you get my number?"

"No no," He clicks his tongue on the other side of the phone."No questions. Just facts. Eight O clock. Muggs. Be there and wear something white."

"That makes no sense Den."

"It will soon. See you then."

Before I can even get another word in I'm met with dial tone. I'm still staring at my phone when Jess walks outside and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Who was that?

"Den." she raises both eyebrows comically. "And?" I try not to acknowledge the sinking feeling in my stomach or the anxiety that was slowly crawling up my throat. So here was the moment I was waiting for.

"I have a date with Den."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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