New Beginnings- Chapter 1

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Moving to London had been the best thing I’d ever done. I had grown up in a small town in England with my best friend Jen but despite it being home to the two of us, we were both ready to leave. So when we turned 20, me and Jen decided to set out and had found a small place to rent. And with the help of a little money from family, we had settled in nicely.

It had been two weeks since we’d moved in and it already felt like home. Pretty much all of the boxes had been unpacked, despite our books which were still awaiting their bookshelf. It was only a small two bedroom place, but it was enough for us. The quaintness of it made me like it even more.

It was currently a Sunday morning and my alarm clocked pulled me out of my sleep. I pulled the pillow over my head in a vain attempt at shutting out the noise, but the constant blaring of the clock and Jen shouting at what must be the TV downstairs refused to let me go back to sleep. Groaning, I pulled myself out of bed and stumbled downstairs. I found Jen huddled on the sofa under a blanket shouting at the program on TV and I laughed.

“Hannibal again?” I asked and turned away from the gruesome scene on TV. It was too early in the morning for gore on this scale.

Jen scoffed at the fact that I even had to ask and I chuckled as I made my way to the kitchen to make us both some breakfast.

"Fancy going exploring today Jen?" I shouted from the kitchen in the direction of the living room. 

"sure! maybe we could go out for lunch somewhere." She shouted back. We decided that we would leave after breakfast.

Once I had finished my bagel I retreated back upstairs to get changed and ready for the day. I took a quick shower to wake myself up and dried my long hair, leaving it to fall in natural waves down my back. When that was sorted I stepped in front of my wardrobe to decide on what to wear. In the end I settled on a daisy patterned dress that ended just above the knees, paired with a pair of white ballerina pumps. Despite it being England, it was extremely hot today so I didn’t even bother with a jumper.

When I were ready I went back downstairs to wait for Jen. Both me and Jen were aspiring Youtubers, we each had about 3,000 subscribers and our channels were growing slowly. That was another reason we wanted to move. Even if it took a long time for our parents to agree, we wanted a chance for our channels to take off. And what better place to do that than London? So I pulled out my vlogging camera from my bag and used the spare time I had to update my viewers on everything that was happening. 

"Howdy, Kate here! Sorry I haven't been making as many videos lately its just that with moving and everything I haven't had much time to sit down and actually film a good video. So I decided to vlog my day today to apologies. But yes, me and Jen are off to explore London today!" I spoke all of this really fast to the camera and twirled around in excitement. "We're probably going to go for a wander and go find a nice place to eat lunch, IF JEN EVER GETS READY!" I shouted to make sure she heard me and laughed as she came bounding down the stairs.

When she saw I had turned the camera on her, she twirled in her dress which had an Aztec black and white pattern, with cutouts at the hips. She strutted forward like a model as if she were on a catwalk and we both laughed. 

"Okay well we're off so I'll talk to you guys later byyeeee!" I did a quick little outro before shutting off my camera and putting it safely back into my bag.

"Ready?" I asked as I turned to Jen.

“Let’s go!” She shouted dramatically as she ran past me towards the door and I laughed, following her out and locking the door behind me.


The train ride had been quick and we had emerged at Waterloo station both still alive(Neither of us were exactly big fans of the Underground.) Once we got outside, we decided to head of in a random direction, which was probably not the best idea considering this was both of our first times in the city.                                                                                   

We had been in London for about an hour now and we were completely lost. All the street signs looked familiar and it was useless trying to retrace our steps.

“Haven’t we already been down here before?” Jen asked as if reading my mind, looking around us at the identical buildings.

I shook my head in confusion. “No I don’t think so. Which way did we come from again?” 

“I don’t bloody know! We wouldn’t be lost if we knew!” Jen shouted dramatically and I couldn’t help but laugh. I wiped the tears from my eyes at her drama queen reaction.

“First official day in London and we're already lost. Great start my friend, great start.” I said and had to catch my breath from laughing so hard.

I turned to Jen. “Why don’t we just ask someone?”

“Ugghhh but people!” She groaned.

“Oh man up!” I shouted playfully and wandered down the street slightly, leaving Jen stood their with her arms crossed defiantly. Picking the first person I saw, I jogged over to two boys who were about to cross the road. They were totally absorbed in each other’s company so neither of them saw me when I came up behind them. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and using all the guts I had, tapped the boy on the right's shoulder. He turned around with a frown but instantly smiled when he saw me. 

“Can I help you love?” My mouth fell open as recognition hit me as to who it was stood in front of me.

It was Jack Harries 

.Author's Note.

I know things in this story may not be 100% correct but just bare with it for this fanfiction haha and also I promise there will be longer chapters, this one is just shorter as its the first one. I also don't own any of the images I use. So if there is anyone reading this then thank you! Don't forget to comment and vote if you fancy:)


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2014 ⏰

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