New Kid!AU

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A/N~// I'm sorry this one is so short! I've got a few important essays to work on so this is a bit shorter than normal. 

"Hey Travis, ever met your god?"


"Do you want to?"

From the moment Sal walked in the door to his new high-school, he knew that these would either be the best or worst years of his life. And it first, everything went great! He made friends with a boy named Todd who lived in his apartment building, who then introduced him to another boy from his apartment building, Larry. He sat with them at lunch, shared half of Todd's sandwich, and was then introduced to more of their friends. He made it to his final class when he met him. Travis Phelps. When Sal was sat next to him, he figured it would be a chance to meet more people. Maybe he'd find another friend or two. These thoughts, however, were shot down when the first words Travis said to him were, "What the fuck is up with your face, freak?" At first, Sal shrugged it off. He was used to people talking about his prosthetic, and he was used to being called a freak. He was not, however, used to the new and improved hell that Travis decided to force upon him. It started in eighth period the first day, but once he came to the realization that Sal wasn't affected by it he moved onto new names. And then when he realized Sal wasn't affected by this, he decided that punching Sal in empty hallways and bathrooms was the answer. "Just ignore Travis," Ashley had told him at first. "If you don't give him a reaction he'll normally move on." Sal guessed he was an exception to this. He hated hiding it from his friends. He absolutely despised keeping secrets from the only people he had, but he knew if he spoke up things would be worse. And Sally kept it hidden for what felt like forever.

 The first quarter passed by, then the second. Midterms. But it was the third quarter that his lies fell through. He woke up and got dressed, gave his cat a scratch on the head, and went to school. He got through his classes and lunch with minimal beatings or threats from Travis. Even eighth period wasn't as bad as it had been before. And then came the bus. Sal sat down in a seat across from Larry, stretched his legs out in the seat with his back against the window, and closed his eyes. "Aw, look. How cute, you're sitting across from your boyfriend," Came a voice from his left. He opened an eye and looked over to see none other than Travis, a smug look settling across his face. Sal just laid his head on the window again, closing his eyes. He knew that reacting would only make it worse, and besides. What difference did it make to him what Travis thought? It's not like he had to speak to him aside from chemistry class. Suddenly, a hand twisted itself in his hair, yanking his head to hit the seat. "You just gonna ignore me, faggot?" Travis growled before yanking on his hair again. The blue-haired boy grabbed at his hand, trying to pull it away from his hair. When this failed, Sal moved lower in the seat, letting his legs reach over to Larry's seat, kicking his leg. This caught his attention, making him snap his head over to the scene across from him. He stood up, not caring about the looks he got from the kids on the bus, and walked right up to Travis. "Hey Travis," He said, staring intensely down at him. "Have you ever met your god?" "No." "Would you like to?" At this, Travis let go of Sal's hair, watching as Larry sat down with the boy. "I knew you two were a couple of fucking fags." Travis scoffed, rolling his eyes at the pair. At this, Larry turned around and threaded his fingers in Travis' hair. "I don't think you understand what I meant. I'll spell it out for you. If you keep on, you will wait for you to get off of this bus and beat you worse than you've ever been beaten. And I will enjoy every second of it. Understand me?" He asked, yanking at Travis' hair. He wrinkled his nose and pulled at the hand in his hair. "Whatever. Just talk to you fucking boyfriend already." He grumbled. Larry let go at this, turning back to Sal. 

After that, the year went smoothly again. Travis still bothered Sal in class, but so much had stopped. Still, Sal couldn't help but wonder. Would it happen again next year? 

Sally Face- 30 Days Of AU's. ((Sal x Larry))Where stories live. Discover now