Chapter 2: The King's Shocking Announcement

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       Oh gods, what do I do?! H-he's laying there, barely breathing, and I'm surrounded by all his dead men! It looks as if I was the murderer!

       Jack slowly fell to one knee, and looked over the other male's body for injury. The king seemed alright, minus the scratches that had torn some of his clothing and had left small trails of blood on his physique. Huffing, Jack looked up and saw that the sun was nearing the horizon, meaning he did not have much time left.

       Damn, the wolves are going to come out soon! What the bloody hell am I going to do?! I can't leave him here in the cold, especially when there is wildlife that can attack him! Perhaps, I can saddle him to Snowflake, and then ride home. I hope he is not too heavy...

        Hesitantly, Jack pulled the fallen man up, grunting at the weight of the said male. Snowflake trotted over to the brunette, bending down slightly so his owner could haul the wealth man on top of him. Huffing, Jack wiped the small line of sweat that developed on his forehead, pausing a moment to relax and check on the king.

       Thank the heavens, he's still insensible. I wouldn't know how to explain this to him, anyway. Hopefully, Mother won't fret too much with one extra guest...

       Sliding behind the slouching gentleman, Jack grasped the straps connected to Snowflake's bit, and snapped them gently. The three of them left the wrecked carriage behind as they travelled in the direction they came in, slowly making their way back to the Overland cottage. By the time they reached the front door, Jack's mother was standing there with an irritated expression, eyes wide with relieve, worry, and anger.

       "Jack, where were you?! I specifically told you to take the shortcut, so you would reach home sooner! Why the bloody heck  did you take such an unnecessary amount of time to get back?! And, care to explain why you brought a person back with you?"

       Hopping off his horse, Jack smiled nervously at his mother. He glanced back at the king, who was still unconscious, and gulped. "Um, well you see, t-this isn't any person, Mother. He's royalty." Sarah's eyes went wide as she arched one slim eyebrow, questioning the likeliness that the man was actually a rich person.


       Immediately, the boy began stuttering his explanation, but the woman only held a finger in his face. "Not outside, honey. You wouldn't want this man to catch a cold, now would you?"


       "...That's how I found him in the forest. I didn't know it was him at first, but when he turned onto his back, I got a clear look at his face and realized it was the king! Mother, please let him stay! I don't know what the other townspeople would say about this, so they may not let him shelter with them! We may be his only hope."

       Sarah studied her son's face, face set like stone. She looked over at the man laying on one of the chairs, and analyzed his features. He had thick eyebrows that were the same charcoal black as his hair, smooth and tanned skin, a sharp nose, high cheekbones, thin lips, and a small, black goatee. He was her definition of handsome.

       Blushing slightly, she looked away, and gazed into her child's pleading eyes. She knew he wanted to keep the king safe, even if that meant staying awake at ungodly hours to nurture him. Her face softened into a kind smile, and she huffed at the unusual situation before her. "Fine, but he is sleeping in that chair. Either that, or he goes into the barn."

       Smiling happily, Jack leapt into his mother's arms, and hugged her tight. "Oh, thank you, Mother! I will take care of him, I promise! Now, do you happen to have any leftovers from dinner?" His mother only laughed, eyes filled with mirth and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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