The Captains were confused at first, but when Shunsui stepped aside to let the woman appear, their frowns deepened and their faces held sympathy. One by one, they walked out the door, bowing to the Captain-Commander's granddaughter as a form of offering their condolences, and took their leave before shutting the doors behind them, allowing her to be alone with the broken Ryujin Jakka inside the room. It was silent, but Asa's mind was restless with memories flooding, ones that involved her dearly departed. A unknown force seemed to be attracting her to the broken Zanpakutou, and with one step at a time, she recalled the times she spent with her grandfather.

For as long as she could remember, it was Yamamoto who raised her when she was orphaned. She didn't know who her parents were, and only knew that they'd died protecting her, without knowing who or what killed them. He fed her, cleaned her soiled diapers, tended to her needs when she cried in the middle of the night (which deprived him of proper sleep and scared everyone in Gotei 13 with his grouchiness), and encouraged her to continue walking towards him when she took her first step. When she was a toddler, he taught her discipline so that she would grow up to be someone who had high moral values, and even began her training as a Shinigami. It seemed that his hard work had paid off when he returned home and found himself getting reprimanded by her for losing his temper.

Many years passed, and she grew up to be a beautiful young lady who caught the attention of the boys in the Academy. Yamamoto was that overprotective grandfather who threatened any men who tried to court her, scaring them away with his infamous glare. But Michiro was the one who caught her attention, and after knowing each other for some time, they were to be wedded. It pained Asa to see her grandfather holding back his tears as he watched the ceremony because she was leaving the Yamamoto Clan, and she shed tears when he made Michiro promise to take care of her now that she was out of his care. He comforted her when she ran to him and mourned her husband, saying words that he hoped would ease her pain. He had always been her pillar of strength, and now that she thought about it, maybe that was why she became a Shinigami - to return the favour by carrying his will to protect Soul Society.

But now, the man who had been there for her since the very beginning was gone before she could even say goodbye to him.

She stopped walking and stood a few feet away from Ryujin Jakka. In her mind, she pictured her grandfather standing before her with his staff; uninjured, wearing his favourite blue kimono instead of his Shihakusho, and looking at her with a serene expression. "The moment I stopped keeping my eyes on you, you start getting yourself into trouble." she reprimanded like how she used to when she was a child, but in a brittle voice. "You've always had a temper that is as fierce as your sword, and it always gets you into trouble whether it is with a friend or foe. Now you've gone away, and the only keepsake you left behind for me to remember you is your broken Zanpakutou. How can you be such a meanie?" Yamamoto didn't look at her sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck like he would do when he was still alive. He still stood there with that peaceful look, seeming to be doing nothing but listen to what she had to say.

A weak chuckle then escaped from her lips before she stared at the ground. "You're right." she said. "If you had left behind a lot of keepsakes, it would have probably kept me from moving forward. You must have certainly seen that weakness in me when I clung onto the things Michiro gave me to remember him. Maybe you're not that much of a meanie after all." A brittle smile plastered on her face as she looked back at where her grandfather was starting to fade, and a tear rolled down her cheek. "Thank you, Ojii-sama. Now, you may rest in peace. I will continue moving forward with everyone and carry out your final wish - which is to protect Soul Society."

Wiping her tears away with her sleeves, she bowed to the broken Ryujin Jakka and stayed like that for a moment before she straightened herself up and walked towards the door. When she left the room, she didn't expect to see Shunsui leaning against the wall, waiting for her. "Kyoraku-taichou." she called quietly.

The said man gave her a weak smile. "How are you, Asa-chan?" he asked. "Sorry that I didn't get to ask you earlier. I was busy making sure the Captains didn't start a fight."

"It's okay." she assured, smiling back at him. "It'll take some time for me to recover, but I'll be fine."

Shunsui's smile soon curled into a frown, and he tilted his hat downward. "I'm sorry about Yamajii." he said, offering his condolence.

Asa shook her head, still keeping that assuring smile. "It's okay." she said. "Ojii-sama would've want us to move forward and not mope about his death. I think it'll only make him angry if we keep crying for him."

"True." he agreed with a grin, imagining how the Captain-Commander would yell at him and the other Captains if he survived his enemy's attack. "Anyway, I need you to follow me, Asa-chan."

"What for?" she asked with a blink.

"To meet the Zero Division." was his reply, and that itself made her feel uneasy.

Outside the walls of Seireitei, Asa had joined the other Captains who were waiting for the Zero Division, and Ichigo soon joined as he ran towards Hirako and called his name. "Oh, Ichigo." responded the said man casually. "Here to watch? I don't really recommend it."

Ichigo, who had bandages wrapped around his torso and head, stopped next to him. "Where does the Zero Division come from?" he questioned. "I mean, why did they wait for Seireitei to become like this before coming out? Where do they usually stay?"

"In the Soul King Palace." answered Shunsui, who got his attention.

"Kyouraku-san." said Ichigo with surprise. "The Soul King Palace? Isn't it inside Seireitei?"

"The very first time you came here with Asa-chan, do you remember that the wall of Seireitei "fell" down?" he explained. "Since lately there has been a lot of trouble, the wall is surrounding Seireitei the whole time. But originally it was only meant to come down during emergency situations. So if that wall only protects Seireitei during emergencies, what is it usually protecting?" Ichigo's eyes widened with confusion and astonishment, and soon followed the Captain's finger that was pointing to the sky. "Look. They are coming."

At that moment, a huge pillar fell from the sky and slammed into the ground before them. "This is..." trailed off Ichigo.

"Tenchuuren." explained Shunsui. "It's the Zero Division's mean of transportation. The members of the Zero Division are all in there."

"All of them?" repeated the Substitute Shinigami with surprise. "In such a small space?"

"The Zero Division has no soldiers." corrected Shunsui. "All five members are Captains, and their total power surpasses the power of all the Gotei 13 together." The doors on the pillars soon opened, and the Zero Division members stepped out.

Noble Love - Bleach (Kuchiki Byakuya x Oc x A bit of Various)Where stories live. Discover now