Part 14

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Hey, hope you like the next part, sory this one took a bit longer to upload but i think you'll forgive me because its a bit longer :)  

Love you guys and please keep voting .xxx  

Paige. XOXO


"I'm falling for him," I whispered to Evelyn, making sure that there was no way Matt could hear. I had been stressing about this conversation since the middle of English - which was when I first realised it. OK, maybe 'falling for him' wasn't the best way to describe what was going on. I mean, I had only known him a few days. Surely I couldn't be falling for him already. Right? My feelings were strong. I don't get the fluttery feeling (not to mention the heart pounding, skin tingling, heat flushing and all of the other feelings when he's near) in my stomach for just anyone. Actually, I haven't had the fluttery/tingly/pounding/flushing/ect feelings for anyone else. Ever.  

My dating history isn't immense, it's not like I have an extensive list of former boyfriends. I'm not like some of the sluts in our year who have a new boyfriend for every day of the week and I'm also not like Rose who has an excuse for her lack of past boyfriends because I've found the perfect boy. I just haven't put myself out there. It wasn't like I didn't want to date. It was the norm thing to be doing - and I was all for doing the norm since all I wanted was to fit in and hopefully blend into the background. If you could see some of the boys that went to my school you would see why I wasn't interested in any of them. They were a bunch of moronic, stupid, idiotic, immature... boys (with the exception of Michael of course). The boys I had dated, although some of them cute and sweet, were nothing compared to Matt. I hadn't even come close to having these feelings for any one of them.  

I was not a believer of love at first sight (or even second, third or fourth sight for that matter). It was a nice idea that gave optimistic daydreamers something to dream about but that was all it was. A nice idea. It happened in stories and fairytales. Not in real life. But could I really deny the surge of feelings I got on the very first time I saw him. Even thought I had thought him a crazy person for jumping in front of my car, I was entranced by his eyes. Ever since then I had been pretending I felt nothing for him. Maybe love at first sight was real. Maybe I wasn't falling for Matt, maybe I was already head-over-heels in love. Maybe, but whether I was on the verge of falling or I had already fallen, I had to face facts. My feelings for Matt were stronger than I thought and I couldn't pretend any more.  

"What?" Evelyn shrieked. She always had a problem with subtlety. The whole class turned to where we were sitting. I sank low down in my chair trying to hide my embarrassment. Miss Presley gave me the eagle eye before moving across to Evelyn. If looks could kill I had no doubt the Evelyn would be stone cold dead from that look.  

"What-an interesting subject science is. I just love it. Great teaching Miss P. You can carry on now," Miss Presley glared at her for one more minute before turning back to the board and completing her diagram of what looked like atoms and molecules.  

"I need your help," I continued. From her expression she looked as shocked and confused as I felt. "Nice save by the way," trying to keep the conversation casual.  

"Who cares about my quick thinking - it was pretty good wasn't it?" she shook her head "Anyway, this is great, right?"  

"Not this is the opposite of great. This is a disaster!"  

"Why? He likes you, you like him. Everyone's happy"  

"He's a player, how do we really know he likes me? I don't know anything about him." He was a player and I desperately needed to get that into my thick skull. You're going to get hurt! Just because the rose is irresistibly gorgeous, doesn't mean it won't hurt when you get pricked by the thorns.  

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