His wink caused me to blush and I shook my head,"I can't, I have to practice my piece for the recital. Then I have the dinner, so I need to be home."

"Alright, fine," He pouted, and I gave him a quick kiss to assure him we can 'do stuff' another time. A smile replaced the pout and he groaned,"I guess we can hang out tomorrow or something. Are you being picked up?"

"No, I was going to walk," I explained, checking my phone and saw my mum texted. She asked where I was, obviously making sure I was not spending time with Luke. It is rather annoying that she constantly asks if I'm with him. He's my boyfriend, of course I'm with him.

Luke sighed,"C'mon, I'll give you a ride."

I huffed, crossing my arms,"It's fine, I can walk. I like the silence, it's peaceful. Don't worry, I will be safe. Bye, Lukey."

We parted with a kiss and I walked down the sidewalk, going toward the neighborhood where I met Luke. I have not been here since the party, it is much different during the day time. It seemed safer.

I got my headphones from my back pack and plugged them into my phone, listening to the piece I was suppose to play during the recital. It won't help me memorize it, but it gives me an idea of what it's suppose to sound like.

Suddenly, I was being tugged to the ground and winced when my head hit the sidewalk, luckily not too hard. I pulled out my headphones, seeing those guys who tried beating me up the first time I moved here.

"We told you to stay out of our neighborhood, prick," The guy said, clenching his fist and I quickly tried getting up, but he kicked me and I groaned at the impact, falling back to the ground in pain.

The two other guys grabbed my arms, holding me up and I squirmed in their grip, attempting to kicked them but was punched in the stomach. I coughed, feeling the wind knock out of me and pleaded,"O-Okay, I won't come back. Please, just let me g-"

"It's too late for that, princess." The name caused me to flinch, it sounded so harsh in his voice. Not cute and meaningful like when Luke says it.

Seeing the two guys were distracted when he talked, I elbowed one, kicking the other in the groin, rushing to my bag and was tackled by the older looking one. I reached out for my bag, opening the small pocket after kicking him.

"Hey, what the hell is going on?" Luke's voice distracted the guy, him rushing off his motorcycle, and I used it to my advantage.

I grabbed the first thing I could find, hand sanitizer, being pulled back by the guy and opened the bottle, squirting it in the guys eyes and was helped up by Luke, who glared at the guy was was screaming in pain from the sanitizer.

"I told you not to mess with him, Damian," Luke sneered, grabbing my bag when seeing the other two guys helping Damian up.

Luke quickly tugged me to the motorcycle, seeing me wince and he grimaced, lifting my shirt and frowned at the already forming bruises. He chuckled, asking,"Seriously though, hand sanitizer?"

"See? I told you! You never know when you might need it," I smirked, but the pain in my

stomach made it fall.

He saw this and helped me on the motorcycle, giving me my helmet and said,"I'm taking you home, next time listen to me instead of trying to me all independent."

I pouted, but nodded and wrapped my arms around him, ignoring the irritation when the material of my sweater brushed against my scrapes that were from when I fell on the ground after being tackled.

We made it to my house and I said goodbye to Luke, promising I was fine. When I got inside, I rushed to my room so my mum didn't see me. I went to the bathroom in my room, taking a quick shower and placed ointment on my scrapes and cuts. The bruises will just have to fade.

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