Throughout class, I got bored and decided to annoy Ashton again. He's really entertaining and always laughs went I do something funny. I like his laugh, so I wanted to hear it again. I took his notebook when he was doing notes and he gaped, whispering frantically,"Luke, I'm gonna miss something important!"

I shushed him, then began drawing Mr. Henderson getting chased by a dog while naked. Ashton grimaced, asking quietly,"Is he suppose to be that fat?"

"Of course, have you seen Spongebob? He's a big, fat meanie," I snickered.

"What's spongebob?"

I face-palmed, slowly giving his notebook back and shook my head in shame. He has been

living in a hole his whole life. I feel bad for him, he didn't get to enjoy his child hood like I did, but at least he's having fun now.

After class, we separated and I went to my other classes, being bored since I don't like anyone else in the school. They're all either sluts, jerks, or they're loners like me and don't like associating with people.

However, when lunch came I went in line and got my food. Once I searched for Ashton, my gripped tightened on my tray seeing him with Nick and the other popular people. I glared at Nick, who was making Ashton laugh.

No, that won't do.

I walked over and placed a fake smile on my face, tapping Ashton's shoulder. He turned and grinned when seeing me,"Hi Luke."

"I thought we were sitting together," I pouted slightly, giving him sad eyes and guilt filled his face. It was wrong to take advantage of his gullible-ness, but I didn't want him talking to Nick, Ashton's gonna get hurt if he does.

"Um, I will speak with you tomorrow or something," He told Nick, who nodded and waved. Ashton walked with me and I saw how he didn't have lunch, since he wasn't home. "How was your day?"

"Okay," I shrugged, sitting down and he did the same. I then added,"It was boring without you, if I'm being honest."

He blushed slightly, smiling while playing with his hands,"S-Same here."

I like him a lot. I know this, but I knew something would go wrong with us dating. He could get hurt if he dated me. But, I realized I could lose my chance if I don't step up and claim him as mine soon.

"Ashton?" He hummed questioningly, and I gulped slowly. I didn't know why I was so nervous, but I was. "D-Do you food and stuff? W-With me?"

I face-palmed.

"Like" He asked with a goofy smile. I nodded and he said eagerly,"I'd love to!"

I let out a breath of relief, biting my lip to hid a smile, but it didn't work. At least Ashton was smiling like an idiot too.


After school, Ashton met me at the front door and we headed to my motorcycle. I told him,"Michael texted me, the party is tonight."

"What a late notice," He said, sassiness evident in his voice. I like it when he's his true self, sassy and sarcastic. Neat-freak and dorky. Silly and goofy.

I shrugged, asking,"Wanna get our costumes now?"

He nodded and hopped on my motorcycle. We drove toward the Halloween store not too far away and when we got there, I parked by the front door in the parking lot. We walked inside and the creepy music was playing, which excited me.

Ashton seemed excited, looking around with an awed expression and pointing out all the cool costumes, grimacing at the slutty ones and laughing at the dumb ones. I assume he's never been to a store like this.

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