"And he killed the basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville spoke while staring sweetly in Ginny's eyes. I curiously wondered if more was going on between them since the night of the Yule Ball. I looked back at Cedric as memories flooded through me. He looked bewildered but smiled just the same.

"It's true." Ron said with confidence. "Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementor's at once."

I knew I needed to gain control of the meeting back to where we needed it to be. "Last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh."

"And saved my life." Cedric added and the room quieted.

"Wait," Harry stated. "Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is, most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help."

"He's just being modest." I interrupted but Harry was having none of it.

"No, Hermione. I'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. But out there... when you're a second away from being murdered... or watching your friend be tortured right in front of your eyes... You don't know what that's like."

Harry sat down as I watched his adrenaline seep out of his system. The moment was over. His grief won out as all his horrors took over the forefront of his mind. Cedric patted his back but Harry didn't move. The entire room watched on as I sat near him and took his hands between mine.

"You're right, Harry. We don't. That's why we need your help. Because if were going to have any chance at beating..." I paused because I had never said it out loud. "... Voldemort..."

Colin Creevy interrupted me. "He's really back."

Harry nodded and just like that the room erupted into solemn vows to join. I set up the sheet and one by one they all signed to be a part of Dumbledore's Army. I casted some charms to help the group have a secret way to communicate and they all dispersed. The meeting had gone better than I hoped for and as we walked back with Ginny, Neville, Fred, and George, I was pumped with anticipation for what awaited us.

Cedric held tightly to my hand as I practically skipped down the bridge with the group. I knew he was trying to calm me but my rebellious side was winning out. We had things to plan and I couldn't wait to get started.

"Right. First we need a place to practice... where Umbridge won't find out."

"The Shrieking Shack?" Ginny offered.

"Too small." Harry answered.

"Forbidden Forest?" I asked.

"Not bloody likely." Ron stated with fear.

"Harry," Ginny asked. "What happens if Umbridge does find out?"

"Who cared?" I screamed with joy. "I mean it's sort of exciting, isn't it? Breaking the rules?"

Cedric stopped and gripped my face between his gloved hands. "Who are you and what have you done with Hermione?"

I smacked him lightly and continued walking as the group laughed along. This was a new side to me and even though I loathed Umbridge with ever ounce of my being I couldn't be more grateful that she brought out this side of me. Since falling in love with Cedric it seemed I had developed quite the interest in breaking the rules.

"Anyways," I continued. "At least we know one positive thing that came from today."

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"Cho couldn't take her eyes off you, could she?"
As we neared the entrance back into Hogwarts, Harry spoke one last time about our secret army. "Right. Over the next few days, we should each come up with a few possibilities of places we can practice. We've got to make sure wherever it is, there's no chance she can find us."

Just Like Magic (Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger Fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now