Victory and defeat

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“You cheat”, Elise pouted at Kevin as she ripped the blanket off of him and walked up to the balcony, wrapping it around her. She heard a blithe chuckle escape him but ignored it as she was busy getting mad at him.

Soon a pair of arms circled her from behind, holding her tight and demonstrating their strength, proving their unwillingness to leave. He leaned down and whispered in her ear with a quiet chuckle.

“So what if I am?”

“You…! Let go of me…!”

“Try and see if you can… hmm?” He teased Elise, his wife as he enjoyed their little squabble. She writhed in his arms only to make his hold on her tighter.

“Hey, just accept it. You lost miserably. Everyone could see that.” He laughed as he said this and she turned to glare at him.

“That's because you cheated… you stupid Kev!”

That seemed to have hit a nerve and he shouted right back. “Who are you calling stupid? Silly Elise.” He poked the side of her stomach and she jumped.

Now that he's got a new way to poke her he tickled her non stop until she was doubled over laughter and finally broke free of his grip.

“St-top… K-kev...gahaha…”,she laughed as she ran away escaping him and his devilish tickles.

As she ran into their room, he was in no hurry to lock his wife into his arms before he'd give in and admit to his defeat. But before that, it seemed like the Libertian prince wanted to tease her a bit. As she got closer to the door he pulled her back to him by her waist as he whined in a pitiful tone.

“Is it that bad to be in my embrace?”

As he placed his chin on her shoulder and touched her cheeks with his she couldn't stay angry at him anymore. Not after hearing him sound so hurt. But as soon as she tried to turn towards him, he placed a kiss on her lips before pulling back immediately.

She could see a cheeky smile on her husband's face as she stared at him for a moment before composing herself. As he was chuckling to himself she took the opportunity to lean in and steal a long kiss. He was stunned by her sudden action before he began to respond. As they pulled back it was her turn to be cheeky as she said.

“That's payback for cheating in the game”.

Hearing her response he spun her around to directly face him and leaned in close to her ear. As his hands encircled her waist he slowly whispered in her ear.

“If I knew I'd get such a sweet payback, I'd willingly cheat more often”. He smirked as he said this and when pulling back he kissed her cheek before whispering in the other ear. “And I'm more that willing to run around like this if you say my mornings will be like today…”

When he looked into her eyes her expression was already blank but a moment later she threw her arms around his neck to pull him into her embrace as she mumbled into his chest.

“You… you win, stupid Kev”.

He laughed heartily as he embraced her back. There was a warmth to them when he said those words.

“This is enough… just holding you like this. This has long been enough.”

She smiled against his chest as she thought of the pillow fight they had. It was so childish to complain that he cheated to win yet it didn't matter. So she said in a muffled voice.

“And I like seeing you win…”

Her voice was so soft that he couldn't hear it.

“Hmm..? What was that?”

She smiled to herself as she looked up and mumbled a ‘nothing’ before pulling him down to touch their foreheads and noses together. The look on their faces were one of peace as they basked in the morning sun together.

A/N: Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed New Year!! Happy New Year❤ Though it's a bit late.... spare me guys. And here's an update for ya... it's short but I hope you enjoy!  Let me know in comments the type of stories you wanna see(^_<)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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