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That's all [Name] felt after that day in the gym.
[Name] and Ash were great friends, to good to be true. Sal Fisher, Ashley's boyfriend, became very protective and told Ash that [Name] was a whore and just wanted attention.
Believing what her boyfriend said, Ash started ignoring [Name] thinking of all the things that her friend could have done with other people.
[Name] not knowing what was happening one day grabbed Ash's arm, demanding an explanation for why she was suddenly being treated differently.
Sal's eyes widened and he shoved [Name] into the wall. She coughed losing wind from her lungs. Everyone stared and watched as the young student was beaten physically and verbally.
They all laughed when they saw the blood and bruising. Defeated and still at lost for an answer [Name] got up and ran to the bathroom.

"Why is my life a living night-"


During her blackout, a couple of girls found blood pooling in one of the stalls. They opened the door and saw [Name] passed out on the floor. They gasped and started running to the office to get help.
Ash noticed the girls running out and peeked into the bathroom to see that the girls had drug [Name]'s body out of the bathroom stall and leaned her against the wall, not to mention the long trail of blood they failed to avoid.
Starring at the bloodied body of her old friend, Ash walked in slowly and starred at the big gashes in [Name]'s cheek, her arms, and in one of her legs.

"I'm sorry."

With that, Ashley left her friend in the bathroom as the girls and the school nurse ran into the room.

~Later that month~

"Let's all welcome [Name] back to school."
Mrs. Packerton announced as [Name] stood at the front of the class with a prosthetic mask covering her face. She now wore a long-sleeved shirt with an (f/c) hoodie; blue jeans with converses.
She sat in her chair and immediately got to the work she hadn't finished over the three weeks she had been out. She had been out of school for the past three weeks due to hospital visits and surgeries.
Travis started attacking [Name] with hate comments on how she looked like Sal and how she should just die.
With suicidal thoughts already in mind, she only moved her mouth to say,

" Travis your constructive criticism is about as useful as a fucking paper-mâché bomb shelter, shut the fuck up you queer."
Everyone around them gasped and 'oh'ed. Travis grinded his teeth before turning back around and listening to Mrs. Packerton.
[Name]'s actions continued for the rest of the day.

~After School~

The final bell rung and [Name] put her items into her bag and grabbed her guitar out of her locker.
Ever since the accident, her parents pleaded that they would buy her anything to stop her suicidal thoughts, so to get them to shut up she told them to buy her a guitar.
So she now sits in the fifth floor of the apartments playing her guitar and singing with Megan, which she knew for a while.
While [Name] was walking out of the school, she felt a person shove her down. She allowed it and fell on her knees.
She sighed and got up be for turning around, arm elongated and swiftly punched the person who shoved her. Not caring who she just punched, [Name] continued to walk away.
She returned to the apartments and grabbed her pocket knife out of her book bag and started to carve her suicidal thoughts into a piece of wood she found in the local park that had been eroded into the shape of a heart.
For some reason carving her thoughts into this heart calmed her down.
She finished her carvings and grabbed her guitar before heading to the fifth floor.
Talking to Megan always helped her cope. While walking towards the bathroom she heard crying and talking.
She sat by the door and eavesdropped on the conversation.

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