Peppermint Schnapps and Apple Cider

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Happy New Year, friends.

So some of you may have noticed that I drink quite a bit for a 20 year old. In my defense, I will be 21 in about 6 months, which will be very exciting. Fuck America and its stupid drinking age.


I've been spending my holiday break with a family of one of my friends, which is honestly so much better than my own family. However, it has been more dramatic than I anticipated, so I'm kinda excited to go back home and go back to work. 

Ugh. Real life.

I'm gonna miss being on vacation, but I know it's about time to get back to the grind. I got a promotion at work, thanks to working my ass off and not caring about school at all, so I should be getting paid more. Which means more money for alcohol. Yippee.

I'm not an alcoholic I swear. I checked the DSM 5 just to make sure. 

Peace out.

I wrote this while drunkWhere stories live. Discover now