Chapter Eighteen: Raise Hell

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Erik sobs in the front seat. Asrani is dead. His mate. His lover. His life. He's gone. His cub kicks and he hugs his stomach. He's holding the last of his love in him. He cries.

"Erik," Steve says, looking back at him. "It's going to be okay."

"How the fuck is it going to be okay? How?" He screams. "My Mate is dead!"

"You have me."

Erik begins to laugh as tears run down his face.

"Oh yeah because I want the man who nearly raped me to be my new mate and to help raise my cub. Fuck you, Steve."

"This rain is ridiculous," Steve says as Erik looks out the window. They stop at a red light. "Erik--"

The door opens and Erik comes face to face with Celine.


"Come on."


"Come on! Asrani is alive."

"What? Don't lie--"

"I am not lying! Come on!"

Erik moves and Steve grabs his arm.

"Erik No!"

"Fuck you!" He follows after Celine who flies up to a building top. He sees Lucifer and sits next to him.



"Yes," he says pulling one of the large tins that have the three kinds of popcorn out. "Popcorn?"


"Asrani is about to beat Steve and Gabriel's ass."

"Oh. Pass the caramel."

Steve curses before pulling off. Suddenly, the car is stopped and Gabriel climbs in.



"Drive! He's coming!"

"Who's com--"

Something lands in the hood of the car and they stare at the black rod poking out from it. It begins to turn red and Gabriel's eyes widen.

"Get out!"

The two men scramble from the car as it goes up in flames a moments later. 

"What the hell!"

Asrani steps from the flames and looks at Gabriel, holding the black rod. It now looks like a double-headed sword.

"You're...You're supposed to be dead!"

"Do I look dead to you?"

Asrani takes a step towards Gabriel. He's in his work clothes still--Black cargo pants with a black long sleeve sweater and black combat boots--and his locs flow in the wind. 

" came back to me..."

He gives a dark chuckle.

"Came back? To you? No," he says shaking his head, the rod spinning around his wrist. "I didn't come back for you. I came back for my mate."

"Me! I can be your mate!"

"You aren't my mate," Asrani growls, the swirls of burgundy, gold, and blood-red glowing in his eyes. "You ain't nothing to me but trash. And I hate trash."

The rod glows before morphing in his hand. The end with the goat pentagram carving reveals a large double-edged sword with a black blade with a red edge. The end with Baphomet's carving reveals a large black scythe with a gold edge. His eyes widen.

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