Chapter 1: it hurts so bad

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*no one's POV*

In a early morning in a early spring...

There in the miyakishi park where two boys play together.. one with Cristal blue eyes that shines like the blue sky.. his hair soft as clouds that even shines through the sunlight.

His name? Is Kuroko tetsuya..  5 years old and currently living in Kyoto...

"Hey! You there let's play!" A certain boy said with his energetic voice and with glee while sparkles around him.

"O-okay.." Kuroko said shyly while he gives a smile to this certain boy

"What's your name then?" Asked the boy

"My name's Kuroko tetsuya I'm 5 years old.. and you?" Asked Kuroko with wonder in his voice

"My name's.... ~~~~**** but you could call me Omi! and I'm 5 years old too!" said the boy with glee while holding tetsuya's hand

"Let's go play on the swing!"

~months later~

Months passed by and the two boys got along quite well..

but it was a shame when tetsuya needed to go.. after to this day Kuroko needed to go to Tokyo to live with his grandmother in order to look after her in such a young age..

After receiving the news Kuroko decided too tell his friend while they play in the sand box

"Ne... omi-chan I have to leave... kyoto" Kuroko said with a sad tone in his voice..

"Eh? Kou-chan will leave me?" Asked the boy in a tone where he was about to cry

"Hm-mh I'm sowwy but.. I have to leave, mama told me that We need to look after gwama (Grandma)" said Kuroko that it seems like both will be crying soon enough

"Hmm then promise me then!" The boy said with determination in his voice

"Promise what?" Asked Kuroko while he tiled his head side ward in a questioning look.

"Promise omi that you will remember me and we will be together in the future! Forever!and play together!"Said the boy in a demanding tone in his voice and handing him his pinky finger in a sign of bond and agreement.

"Hmmmmm" Kuroko hummed in a not so sure manner then "okay! I promise omi-chan that we will meet in the future and will always play together forever!" Said Kuroko with a smile in his face and both closed there pinky finger together and made a promise

To each other...

But will that bond soon disappear?...


I hope you enjoyed and liked it!

I have a question minna...

If you had to ship Kuroko to someone who would it be?

Voting will continue and I have to see who voted for who

Which gom or seirin you wanted to ship and I'd gladly take any character and suggestions if you want!

Hope you liked it!!! Until the next update ❤️

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