Barclay sighed and turned to look at me, "I'm not dragging my men into this fucking mess. They're elite guards in there, Harp. And they know we're here." I didn't make a move to answer. Barclay looked at his men, "Alright, lads. Gather your gear. They'll be coming for us soon enough."

My eyes move to Chaulk, it taking everything in me not to tar this girl apart right here and now. With Barclay's words still in my head, I let out a growl before turning and walking away.

I made my way upstairs, leaning on the railing and watching as Barclay's men started to pack up. Footsteps drew me away from the railing, turning my body fully to see Barclay. His eyes laid on his men as one of his hands sat on the railing.

"When I agreed to help you, we were sneaking in. Unawares. But this? Nah. This is just not possible."

"It's worth the risk," I press forward, my feet not moving though.

Barclay glanced over at me, "For you, maybe." He sighed and fully turned to look at me. "You can risk your life all you want, I don't give a fuck. But I'm not throwing my men's lives away."

My hand gestured off, my voice suddenly harsher then I wanted it to be. But if it made my point, I wouldn't care. "I can't sit around here like a goddamn coward, and let my unborn child and the love of my life die, when I know I could stop it. I don't have that in me."

"I think she's gone," He said, looking off, unable to meet my eyes. "It hurts. You think you're the only one that's suffered?" He asked looking back at me. "I'll have you know, we've all fucking lost someone."

"Then help me, goddamn it," I pressed, moving my feet so I was right in front of him.

Barclay sighed and shook his head, "There's no way we'll get inside that fucking castle!"

"I don't need you to get me inside. I need you to get me close."

"And then what?" Barclay asked confused.

"You just leave that to me," I replied with a nod.

Barclay shook his head and chuckled, "And how the fuck are we gonna get you close?"

"My mother's people have fought like this for centuries. We are so few, they have nothing to ram against. They will rush into those dunes, we will stretch them out, and we will drain every last one of them." This was how my mother's people did it. This was how I did it. And I knew this would be the safest for Anna and our child.

Barclay stares at me, seeming to go over the plan again in his head, trying to find a flaw. When he lets out a small groan, he turns and looks at his men below. His voice calls out to them, grabbing their attentions, "Alright, lads. No one will judge you if you want to sit this one out. Especially you, Angus, bleeding all over the place. Look at you. You look fucking ridiculous."

"Oh, fuck off. I've had worse. Besides I've gotta bite the face off the prick that ripped my kilt," Angus says with a smile. The words made everyone laugh, lightening the mood a little. And my hope.

Barclay looked at me again, nodding, "Alright, genius. What's the plan?"

I nod, looking over at Chaulk who still looks nervous. "Get up. You're going back in." I then turn to Barclay, "I need something to write with."

A non-surprised scuff leaves his lips as he responds. "Oh, I should've thought, we can write him a really nasty letter."

Ignoring his comment, I continue on with my questioning. "What do you have for weapons around here, smart ass?"

Barclay pauses, looking me over for a second before moving over to a piece of fur that's hung on the wall behind us. He removes it, revealing axes and spears made out of metal hanging on the wall. A large smile crosses my face and hope has returned to the light.

This is it. We have the weapons, we have the men, and we have a plan. Now, all we have to do it move with it.

I write my quick note and give it to Chaulk before sending her back to the castle, my hope to never having to see her again stronger this time. We gather and distribute the weapons until none are left. There is about 10 of us total, putting us at a lesser end then the soldiers, but at better fighting odds.

Night comes and we move out, men on a mission.

The castle stands before us, dark and silent. I turned to Tr Rang, nodding towards him, "Alright. Light it up." Him and four guys move up the hill we were previously at, their lit torches high and strong. Te Rang begins to chant, his words following the men around him.

They chant loud and clear, causing the guards to make their way out in a charging motion. Gunshots are heard, but all miss the men.

When the chants stop, it grows an eerie silence, one that make even the soldiers freeze in fear. Before they know what's hit them, we appear, using our weapons to tar them apart and kill them one by one.

Blood stains most of our clothes and dead bodies scatter the ground. This is only the first bunch, but if the rest go like this then we're home free.

The sounds of gunfire and explosion eventually come to a silence, everyone dead around us. We duck in a clear away, using the moment of silence to gather up once again. The next group of soldier should be coming out any moment, so we speak quickly.

"Alright, Harp. You better do whatever the fuck it is you're planning to do. This is as close as we get," Barclay says to me.

I nod, clasping his hand in mine, "Alright. You get your boys outta here." He nods, leading his men away as they smile happily.

Before I know it, their lights have vanished and all that's left is McTaggart's and I's, both of us kneeling on the ground. I nod behind him, "Get to the boys, get to the ship. Don't wait up for me."

McTaggart looks at me for a second, seeming to wonder if my words are true or a trick. When he sees their true, he nods, clasping his hand in mine, "It's been a hoot, big man."

I nod, watching as he releases me and disappears into the darkness.

Now is my chance, possible my only chance, to get inside. My reunion with my wife has been long awaiting, and after tonight, I'll never leave her side again.

It's her and I from this day forth.

So excited for you guys to read the last two chapters. There is an Epilogue so I hope you guys stay for that! I've finally finished writing the book so it's just time to post the chapters!

Enjoy and leave your votes and comments!

Him and I (Declan Harp)Where stories live. Discover now