The girls looked around helplessly.

"The mail!" Yuju said, pointing to the mail boxes on the wall.

The girls each scattered to a mail box looking for the name "Oh Sehun".

SinB could feel her heart begin to beat faster and faster as the minutes went by. Her eyes began to water at the thought of her roommate being held captive. She was grateful that Yerin was able to open up to her, making their bond closer. SinB didn't know what she would do if Yerin got hurt.

"Oh my god I found him!" Sowon said, holding up a pile of mail. "He's in 904."

Eunha put the mail back in the slot and ran to the elevator with the rest of the girls. It felt like hours had passed on the elevator before they finally reached Sehun's floor.

"What do we do now?" SinB asked.

"We should just ring his doorbell and see what happens," Yuju said. "Umji, stay out here and get ready to call the police if anything happens."

Umji nodded and got her phone out.

Yuju reached up to the doorbell with a shaky hand and pressed the button. Within a few seconds, SinB could hear footsteps approaching the door. The door opened slowly to reveal Sehun. SinB's heart dropped. She peeked into his living room, only to find nobody there.

"Can I help you?" he asked.

"U-um..." Yuju stammered.

Sowon took over. "We were wondering if Yerin was here," she said, raising her voice.

Eunha nodded her head. "Right. Yerin!"

SinB looked up and accidentally made eye-contact with Sehun before looking down at the ground.

"Uh no, sorry. She's not here," he said before trying to close the door.

Sowon slammed her hand against the door, preventing it from closing. "Are you sure?" she asked.

SinB's head perked up at the sound of a muffled whimpering coming from inside the apartment. She could tell the other girls heard it too.

"What was that?" Sowon asked.

"M-my dog. He's upstairs. Now go away," Sehun insisted before trying to close the door again.

The whimpering got to a screaming point and each of the girls pushed at the door, trying to get inside. SinB looked at Umji to make sure she was calling the police. Sure enough Umji already had the phone up to her ear, crying for help to be sent.

The girls finally got the door opened all the way. Sehun was in his living room trying to get away from the girls. SinB could hear Yerin screaming from the upstairs loft. The girls began cursing at Sehun and hitting him, causing him to fall to the ground. When Sehun didn't get up, the girls ran upstairs to the loft to find Yerin with duct tape over her mouth and her hands tied behind her back. Yuju hurried to Yerin and tore the duct tape off her mouth. SinB and Eunha noticed Sehun coming up the stairs with a knife.

"Yuju!" Eunha said, grabbing her hand and pulling her away from Yerin.

Sehun wrapped his arm around Yerin's neck, holding the knife up to her throat.

"Why are you doing this?" Yerin asked, sobbing.

"Because for years we've been breaking up then getting back together. It's been such a painful cycle for me! I just want you to stay with me forever!" Sehun cried.

Umji walked up the stairs and gasped. Sowon pulled her close to the other girls.

Sehun turned to the girls and pointed the knife at them. "Don't you dare get close to her!"

The girls all stepped back. All of them except for SinB. There was something holding SinB back. She could hear everybody calling her name and trying to pull her away, but she couldn't move. She felt like she wasn't in her own body. She felt like she could do anything at this point. She began to walk toward Sehun and Yerin. She reached her hand out, but she only saw Sehun lunge at her with the knife. The last thing she saw was her own blood splatter onto her face.

Then everything went black.


I'm sorry for taking such a long break and leaving you guys on a cliffhanger! over the past couple of months I kind of lost my love for writing. I was looking into other things to study in college, but there just wasn't anything else that sparked my interest. after beginning to write this chapter, I realized how much I truly do love writing and making stories. anyway, thank you for taking time out of your day to ready this story!❤️

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Hear the Wind Sing♡SinRin Fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें