Small Family Christmas (Bleach Fanfic)

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As Hinamori as Hitsugaya walked to their home in the Rukongai, soft snow fell, yet the white flakes were far from even beginning to blanket the ground, and so far melted before they could hit the ground. Today was one of the few days that Hinamori didn't have to pester her childhood friend and foster brother into coming with her to visit their grandmother.

While Toshiro hated visiting the old woman on his birthday, which had been four days prior, he loved, despite not liking to show it, visiting her on Christmas, and sometimes would even smile in the long run. One of the reasons was, that Momo figured out Toshiro loved spoiling the old lady. This had for the longest time, confused her, as the small boy had, in her original belief, not cared that he had left her alone.

She had thought that the very first day he had shown up at the academy simply from the way he acted. But with the fact that she had finally matured mentally, and lost some of her naivety, he had opened up to her… well, somewhat. Momo had come to learn about him having to join the academy, so he wouldn't kill her granny. She learned about Sojiro's death, the truth behind it, and why until now he couldn't tell her or anyone.

Hinamori though had also learned how much he all ways worried about her because of her naivety and ignorance, how she never could quite figure out how world really worked. He was glad that she had grown in the right way. Though truth be said, there was still growth for both of them needed.

They arrived at their grandmother's house and Momo peeked in, while Toshiro carried the small pile of presents in his arm Momo set the bag containing their uniforms on the floor, in case they were needed.

"Ahh… Momo-chan! Is your little brother with you? He tends to be shy when he comes," their grandmother smiled, her face wrinkling.

"Here I am!" Toshiro stepped from outside a huge smile on his face. This caused Hinamori to smile at him, as this was the Hitsugaya Toshiro she had grown up with and prefered being around.

"Oh, come on grandma. You should see Hitsugaya-kun around his division. There is no shyness about him," Momo smiled, going and sitting in front of her grandmother.

This caused a smile to come suddenly to the old woman's face, as the white haired boy placed the paper parcels into a corner. "My little Momo. My have you grown! Not physically of course, but into a young lady, your father would have to tell all the boys they aren't good enough for you… and I would have to tell him off!"

"Granny…" Hinamori gave a weak smile. "I don't see why anyone would want me for their wife."

"No… isn't it my job to chase off the prospective suitors?" a small voice piped up. "I know someone who has had a crush on you for some time, but I won't say, as eventually he'll have the courage too, so I hope. Oh, and I've had to tell off some complete strangers too… Lieutenant Abarai gets word that they are up to something and helps me."

"Please don't lie to me just because you want to make me fill better," the older grandchild gave him a weak smile.

"I don't think he's lying," their grandmother stated, getting up and heading over to a small trunk that she kept her keepsakes in. "Let's see… I think it is high time I give you these things of your mothers."

"You're lucky, Hinamori," the small taicho stated, glancing outside, where snow was starting to show in patches. "Even though it was for a brief moment, you got to know them."

"Shiro-chan… my memories of them are fuzzy, sometimes I can't even remember their faces."

"At least you have memories of them…" the small boy muttered, still entranced by the snow falling outside.

"Here…" came the cheerful reply. Their grandmother set the small bundle down. "It isn't much, but I feel it is important for you to have these."

Hinamori untied the knot, and opened it to reveal a comb, two pictures and an old shawl for the winter. Toshiro's eyes fell on the comb. "Ne… wouldn't that look pretty in your hair on your wedding day."

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