Falls, fries, and, failures

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"Mom!", I yelled. "Where are the spicy Spanish fries I like?" She said, "Jim, they are gone!" My heart which practically fails without spicy Spanish fries practically stopped.

"Mom! I'm going to Dequan's!" He always has spicy Spanish fries.

"I'm on the sidewalk on my scooter. Dequan says the ladies are jealous. I see my crush. Her name is opal. She totally falls for my dark short curly fro and lucky mood sweat bands.

I always bring them incase my mood changes. Like green is jealousy.

Opal has hair too. She is nice and I hope doesn't mind my nervously sweat when I see her.

Dequan lets me in. Dequan leads me to his kitchen. Dequan's mom already made spicy Spanish fries. Dequan's mom is nice. Dequan's mom is pretty. I hope if opal says no Dequan's mom will accept my prom invite.

"Dequan I want sauce!" Dequan gave me the sauce.

I ride home. Opal is still there. I shall ask her. I go up her driveway on my Smokin scooter. I fall into her kiddy pool. I leave after I change my sweat band to red. That means I'm embarrassed.

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