"Grounded?Need I remind you that you look my age.You can't ground me.Im not a child"

"You might as well be.Going off to Germany by yourself.With someone you don't even know.He could've been working with them and then just handed you over.And then what?Game over.You'd be dead and the world would probably be taken over"

"God,your such a drama queen.He needed my help so I helped him.I can't just sit around and wait to die,Creon.I can't live like them,don't you see.Violet,Magnus,all of them of them are dead because they just sat around like ducks and waited to be killed.I won't be like them,our plan was flawed the second they split us up.And now I'm the last one alive"

Christina turned and to look at the window.She felt like she was in constant repeat with this conversation.He'd tell her she was wrong,she'd tell him she wasn't,they'd yell at each other and he'd set some new rule for her to follow.It was insane how much this had constantly repeated itself for the last couple years.She thought she was going insane.The alien girl felt like this was gonna be what her life was like until the day she died.The car had stopped and Christina furrowed her eyebrows as she looked to where they stopped.It was one of the nicer apartments,the ones where only the wealthy could afford.And everyone was snobby with their perfectly polished shoes and fancy cars.

"Why are we here"She turned to look at Creon as the door was opened for them

"Curtesy of your new friend.We live here now"She got out after Creon and looked around the apartment building.The whole building screamed Look at me!I have money.

"Right this way Ms.Christina"Christina looked over and seen a couple men carrying her bags through the fancy door and into the apartment complex and past a couple service people

"Careful with those"Creon said and the girl rolled her eyes as they stepped inside the lobby.It had a fancy chandelier hanging down from it and the floor was sleek and marble.Everything looked way too expensive to touch

"I can't believe he did this"Christina said once they were in the elevator.On the way up a woman walking her dog looked the duo up and down with a snobby look.She was wearing a fur coat and a diamond ring that could've bought them a car

"We seriously don't belong here"Creon whispered and the girl nodded along with his statement.The elevator dinged and they all stepped out and into a hallway.The men led the way all the way down the hall before stopping at a door with the numbers 1817

"Mr.Stark hopes you enjoy your new place.Have a good rest of your day"The duo smiled politely at the men as they handed them a key and they left without another word

"So what else is your new friend going to get us?A car"He opened the door and let the princess in "Oh no,how about a flying car"

"Shut up"She growled as she set her bags down and took a look around her new home

"No way did he get us a place this nice"The living room was as big as three rooms and the kitchen was fancy as hell.Who needed two sinks?

"I'm going to lay down"Christina mumbled and grabbed her bags and started down the hall.She looked over the two rooms that were in the house,she didn't care much about having the biggest room,so she took the one that was farthest down the hall.Plus,the teen wanted privacy.She opened the door and seen there was a bed and vanity desk already set up.Christina quickly shut the door before Creon could come in and try to start up a conversation that Christina didn't want to have

"Tony Stark,I'm going to kill you"She threw her bag down onto the bed and jumped onto it and stared at the ceiling for a while.That was before she remembered the little sticky note she had in her pocket.The green eyed teen immediately got it out and analyzed the street name and numbers that was jotted down.She figured once Creon was distracted that's when she'd leave.She zipped open one of her bags and looked inside one of the pockets.She opened her wallet and grabbed the only twenty dollar bill that was tucked inside.Christina quietly opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall.As she approached the master bedroom,she seen the door was slightly open.She took a peak in and seen Creon laying down,sound asleep.The girl mentally cheered before quickly leaving the hall making a dash towards the door.She threw open the door before locking it and stepping out and into the fancy hallway.She jogged down the hall before coming face to face with the elevator and jabbing the lobby bottom more times then needed.Once it opened she stepped in with a man in a business suit.He gave her one side eye before going back on his phone.After a long silence,the doors opened and the princess rushed past people and into the busy streets.She looked back and forth before trying to find a cab.After a couple tries and failed attempts the green eyed girl finally managed to stop one

Number Eight [Peter Parker]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum