Cute Musical Maids

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HELLO!!! I am alive and kicking! How have y'all been? And guys I really do like hearing reply's to the questions, it makes me happy. Am I odd? Yes, yes I am. But then again who isn't? Nobodies normal and that's why nobody can be the same no matter what...... dang, I went all odd there.😀😁. Well, ENJOY THIS NEW CHAPTER!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!💕

"A musical Café!❤"  Lila danced around shouting the theme as Miyuki placed his head down in misery. A few days have passed since the picnic and now it's back to school, and since it's now Festival time, it's time for them to pick the theme. It took them an hour to come up with at least three themes. Haunted house, café, or a play, someone even offered to do a host club. Of course, that idea was quickly shot down by Yusuke when the girls decided to make Miyuki a host for both girls and boys. Nobody got near, yes, brother. Since that idea was shot down the girls decided to do a musical café with a twist, the girls were butlers while the boys were maids. Luckily Yusuke knew how to cook which made him a chief. So, at that moment they were all deciding who was in charge of what.

To be honest, at his old school they did not have any festivals so this would be his first one since he was small. Even if he had to wear girl clothes he hoped everything went well. 

"Miyuki?" Looking up he noticed that the class was split into three groups. "Yes?" 

They watched as though waiting for an answer, seems like he was so out of it that he did not hear anything after deciding the theme of their room. Smiling, he looked around trying to figure out what was the question. Luckily it was Yusuke who helped him.

"Actually, I've never heard him sing before" winking at him, Miyuki smiled and nodded, understanding what the question was.

"I've never tried it before, singing" he admitted

His classmates began moving closer eager to hear his voice, but he really only knew how to hum choir music, he has never before sung straight out like a star. So, he did what he only knew how to do he, sang. Though he did not sing any words, it was more like a small note but it seemed like everybody liked it. Lila smiled as she pulled him up from his seat and stood him beside two other girls.

"Well then, these three will be our singers and waitresses, while they-" pointing at Yusuke "will be our cooks and the rest of the class will be maids and butlers!" she cheerfully said. 

Looking at each student while tapping her chin thinking, "Now, all we have to do is get two people to do the clothes~"

Yusuke and two others raised their hand letting Yuri, male class president hand them some measuring tape. Yusuke picked Miyuki as well as two others since he'll have to do two costumes for him and one for the others. Once the groups were decided they were allowed to head out to buy the things they will need, saving the ingredients for the last few days since the festival was only a week away. He pulled Miyuki along as they were handed the things to buy for the costumes. As they left together not once did Yusuke let go of his hand, if anything as they left the gate he gripped only got tighter? For some reason, he was walking pretty fast making it difficult to keep up with him, but he could not say anything as he noticed how red his ears were. Smiling, Miyuki let him pull him along and even when they entered the store he did not argue at all when their hands were still linked together.

Walking around the store they pulled on some fabric seeing how it would look on him, and Yusuke had to smile as he realized that red was very much Miyuki's color. 

"Let's get these," he told him as for the first time he let go of his hand to grab the correct amount of fabric as well as thread. Sadly, knowing Miyuki that was enough time for him to see some pretty accessory that will match perfectly with the maid outfits. He decided it would be fine to peek a little as he walked off. Not knowing that someone's eyes followed him from not far behind. What cought his attention was a soft white fabric that would go perfect with the cooks outfit. He could not help but imagine how Yusuke would look.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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