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  OH SWEET CHOCOLATE! I would have updated sooner but for some reason, I have been getting these really bad headaches. Hopefully, they will go away soon for I can quickly do the next chapter. Enjoy!


Miyuki laid in bed with May still sleeping soundly on his chest. She could only ever sleep in new places when she lay on his chest because she could hear his heartbeat clearly.

He gently ran his fingers through her dark hair, most people would consider her hair back but he thought it may be red when she gets older. Maybe that meant she would like strawberries. Miyuki smiled at the thought of a redheaded little girl eating only strawberries. The thought of strawberries made him remember Yusuke, his old classmate.

They used to go to the same school, but he transferred during the year, he never gave him a reason why. Honestly, he thought that was for the best, if he knew about his past and why he left, Yusuke would blame himself. 

The wind softly blew in, he could feel May shiver because of the cold air. Gently, he covered her with a small blanket as he continued to stare at the ceiling. This changes nothing, he thought. And in a way he was right. It just did not make any sense to him, how could his biological father want him now? It just made no sense to him. And these people he now has to call his siblings, are they trustworthy? Or will this turn out just like his other foster homes? But, Yusuke was there, so it could be safe.

He felt May stir a little, she smiled in her sleep as she smacked her lips, a sure sign that she will be hungry once her eyes open up. Just the sight of her made him realized, that even if Yusuke was there, May came first. 

Closing his eyes, he felt the warmth of the sunlight now reach his fingers, meaning it was now time to get up. If he did not get up he was sure he was not gonna be able to make both his and May's breakfast. Slowly, he moved May to lay on one of his shirts for she would not wake for another few minutes as he quickly got dressed. First thing first, he had to make sure everything was hidden. Then he laid out May's clothes, of course, they had to match as she would cry if they wore different colors. Making his way to May, he turned her on her side as he tried his best to quietly change her, sadly this only worked twice as her eyes quickly opened as she smiled at him. He sighed as she began to move her arms and legs trying to grab onto him. "Nii-Nii!" she smiled as he finished putting her diaper on but laughed as he tried to put a dress on her.

"Come on May, please stay still" she shook her head, sighing Miyuki put on his best sad look "For me?" he asked her.

Honestly, he wishes he knew how she was so smart for a two and a half-year-old. Maybe it had something to do with that he never baby talked her. Shrugging, he smiled as she sat still while pouting cutely. She was obviously having a hard time trying to keep her head up, but he quickly scooped her up.

"Done! You look amazing princess!" she smacked his forehead "no! me ight!" Laughing he nodded as he bowed a little change his voice "Oh forgive miss knight, but then what am I? The king? Prince?" he asked her jokily.

As they left the room she shrugged, "no no" she told him as she placed her hand under her chin as she thought it over.

He could not help but smile at her, but it soon dropped as he heard sound coming from downstairs. Slowly making his way downstairs he saw the one called Ukyo cooking as Chii set the table. Maybe he should go back to his room, but May needed her food. He tried to make a choice, except the decision was made when Chii saw him.

"Good morning, Miyu-san" she smiled at them as he gave her a confused look.

"Miyu?" he mumbled to himself. Ukyo smiled as he saw them as well, "Please sit, breakfast is done"

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