But, he's not.

So, he won't.

Frank eyes the screen for the notification that signals Gerard has logged and once he does he has a huge smile on his face. He hurriedly sends a request and after a few seconds, Gerard's lovely face is on his screen.

"Hey, baby." He waves.

"Hi." Frank laughs, giving a tiny wave with his fingers.

"How was your day?" "It was good."

"I miss you." Gerard blurts, sighing. Behind him is a dark blue curtain, but Frank can see that wherever he is still still lit decently. "I miss you, too." The smile slowly fades from Frank's face. "How are you doing?"

Gerard runs a hand down his face, grunting. "Tired. Sore. Working." "I'd give you the best massage ever if you were here." Frank bites his bottom lip, loving the way Gerard's cheeks bunch up. "I'd love that, Frankie. Alas, I have to wait."

"How long?" Frank whispers, tugging at the hem of his shirt. Gerard hesitates, running his slender fingers through his hair - that looks like it needs another cut - and clearing his throat.

"I don't know. I will say that I know for sure it's gonna be at least another 3 weeks...maybe a month. I don't know, babe." He says guiltily.

"Well...whenever you come back, I'll be here. Like always." Frank cooes the last part, pushing down his feeling of distress at his husband's previous words.

"I love you." Gerard giggles, resting his head on his hand. "You should. I'm very lovable. I love you, too."

"We should have a contest to see who can say 'I love you' the most." Gerard suggests, making Frank snort loudly. "I'd win because you're not allowed to skype me forever."

"That doesn't mean I can't say it under my breath when I log off."

"Same here."

"We'll both lose."

"No shit. I need to go to sleep. We can still try?" Frank has that adorable, stupid side smile of his and his eyebrows raised. "Okay." Gerard agrees, rolling his eyes.

"I love you." Frank starts.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"I love you." Gerard bangs his head down on whatever surface the computer is sitting on after he says it and Frank laughs. "What the fuck?"

"I just love you so much, man."

"Gerard, I'm not dumb. Why did you do that?"

"Fine. I have to fart and it won't come out."

Frank spits all over the laptop from his sudden burst of laughter and even falls over to the side, hearing Gerard laugh along with him.

"You're- You're literally the stupidest person on Earth!" Frank yells through his laugh attack, tears in his eyes. "Shut up. It's coming."

"Gerard, I don't want to fucking hear you fart, okay?" Frank can't stop giggling as he looks back at the screen. He notices Gerard's left side of his body rise slightly and his face scrunch up before he finally sighs happily. "I farted."

"You're so fucking stupid. Why do I even like you? You nasty shit." Frank chuckles.

"It fucking stinks."

"Gerard! Shut up or I'm logging off."

"Nooo! Okay. I'm sorry." Gerard blows him a kiss and Frank pretends to catch it.

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