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Frank willed his phone to ring. It sat on his nightstand, next to the dog Gerard had brought home with him. He called it Spot.

He couldn't wait to get a real dog.

It had been a week and a half since Gerard left and Frank had gotten no phone call since then. To say he was worried was an understatement. He was scared beyond his mind. He cried yesterday. Not full out bawling, just a few tears running down his face. It was routine now for him: Come home, maybe eat dinner, take a shower, and then wait until his eyes could take no more for the phone to ring.

When it rang this time, Frank almost screamed. It took him a second longer than necessary to realize his phone was ringing.

He snatched it up, fumbling around with it before his thumb finally slid across the screen. He brought it up to his ear. "Gee?"

"Greetings, young padawan."

"Oh my God! I was so worried about you. Oh my God. Are you okay?"

"You're just going to ignore my reference? Gosh, Frank. I'm hurt." Gerard's voice actually sounded like he was hurt by this. "Gerard, shut up. I'm not playing with you."

"I'm fine. I miss you, though." He sighed. "I miss you." Frank felt all the tension from the past days shoot from his body as he sunk into the bed. "Jesus. I thought something...had happened."

"No. I'm sorry I didn't call sooner. I've been so busy. I haven't been to sleep for 2 days. Things are just getting worse here." Gerard frowned on the other side of the phone, looking at his gear that was laid out across the table. "I don't think this will end anytime soon. It's making me worry. What if they don't let me leave?" He whispers, tugging at the phone's wire. Frank waited before replying.

"They will. And you need to sleep. God. Gerard, please. If you need to let your foot down and tell them to let you take a break, do it. I don't care if it gets you fired - or whatever they call it."

"Haha. You're so cute. I'm about to go to sleep, and I had time to call. So I took up the opportunity."

"Thank you." Frank sighs, closing his eyes. He let his head rest in one hand as he leaned forward.

"How are things back there?"

"Nothing's changed. I don't know why you expect one." Frank scoffed. "I have no one to cook for?" He said in a hopeful tone, thinking Gerard would accept that as a change back home. "Invite Mikey over."

"Mikey has a life."

"So? People interrupt other people's lives all the time."

Frank just rolls his eyes and smiles at Gerard's inconsiderate tone. "I'm not going to do that. I'll just wait until my loving husband comes back." He bites his lip, smiling.

"Hey. Hey hey. Don't start. I'm thousands of miles away from you and if you start flirting with me over the phone there will be problems."

"Problems for you. Not for me." Frank sings, chuckling at the fact.

"I kinda wanna go to sleep without a boner tonight," Gerard says, "It's already bad enough I can't even look at you. Speaking of looking at you, tomorrow we can Skype."

"Seriously? I can't wait." Frank says eagerly, even more ecstatic than when the call first started. "Yep. Tomorrow. Don't be late."

"I'm never late."


Frank settles in bed, crossing his legs and setting the laptop down in his lap. He's wearing boxers and a long sleeved gray shirt. If Gerard was here, he could just freeball without a care and cuddle up next to him.

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