All's Well That Ends Well Part 1

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She says shakily, "No. I get you have an explanation, but I really liked you then, Andi. And even though I acted like I was okay, I went home and cried. I thought I had a chance with you until then, and it hurts to know when someone who you just shared an amazing kiss with thinks that it meant nothing. Congrats on coming out, but it's too early to ask for forgiveness."

Amber darts out the door, Iris on her tail. Cyrus stands up, "Sorry guys, but I really should go with her. I'm proud of you for coming out, though."

"Yeah, we'll get going too," Buffy and Marty say. They both hug her to show support and leave.

"You know, Never Have I Ever shouldn't ever have such a weird question. It forces people to come out before they want to," Danielle says and Andi smiles weakly.

"Yeah, I would be really embarrassed if they asked if anyone's ever kissed a guy. I know I'm very straight, but there was a guy in Germany who was just too attractive. But then we kissed and you can guess what happened next. All I can say was that I felt like Blaine after kissing Rachel, but like the opposite type of attraction," AJ says, trying to lighten the mood. 

Andi starts to laugh, "Thanks for making me feel better."

"It's what we do best," we say in synch.

Eventually, Amber and Andi fixed things. But they were never meant to be, because Amber truly loved Iris. But that was okay. Now my brother and Andi are having a great time at prom.

Sloane surprised Danielle by coming to the prom. It was strange seeing her in something other than her hip hop outfits, but she cleaned up niely. Danielle seemed almost wistful when she saw her.

"Hey Teej, let's dance?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts through the sound of Cyrus' voice. I nod and get up, "Let's do this."

He slips his hand in mine and we make it to the floor, just as a slow song starts. Cyrus looks at me sheepishly, "I have to admit something. I can't slow dance."

"That's okay. Just follow my lead, okay?" I say.

I put my hand on his waist and put his on my shoulder. I reach the hands we've intertwined out, and lead him through the simple box step. As we do it, Cyrus relaxes, and we have fun. It's truly the most fun I've ever had at a dance.

We dance to a whole bunch of songs, basking in each other's presence. Finally, Cyrus pulls away, "I'm going to take a breather. I'll bring you a coke?"

"Yes, thank you," I say.

I start to head off to our table but have my hand grabbed before I can go more than a few steps. I turn to see Sloane, "Hey Tommy, let's go put on a show for the others, for old time's sake."

"I don't know..."

She reaches up to whisper in my ear, "Danielle's been having a rough time lately. If we dance for the whole crowd, maybe she'll want to open up about what's wrong."

"If you're sure," I decide.

We grab a few of the Grant Jetés and go into a huddle to figure out what we're going to perform. After several moments of deliberation, we decide on performing Fresh, a song Sloane choreographed for the Strimas to perform at our talent show but which Danielle also used for Regionals this year.

The crowd appears to love it, except Danielle. She runs off to some secluded corner. I catch Andrew's eye and motion with my eyes to go to Danielle. Sloane and I follow.

Danielle refuses to meet her eyes when she tells her reason why she's down, "I want to go back home. To Pasadena."

"Deej?" Andrew asks.

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