Le Début

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Naija's outfit when she goes out ⬆️↕️⬆️↕️⬆️↕️⬆️↕️⬆️↕️⬆️↕️⬆️


"Why?! Why do they wanna hurt me?" My little boy asked me .

"Who wants to hurt you Kyungi ?" I asked back.

The floor made a solid sound of a foot step before I sat down next to my son on the couch.

A moment of silence feel over us until he closed his eyes .

"The mean boys at my school. They say I'm too different and that's why I'm not good enough for their group." His head hung low . I placed my hand under his chin and lifted his head slightly up. His eyes looking into mine.

"You are good enough hunny." I said.

"No I'm not I never will be. I'm ugly to them too." His voice was so shaky . A tear fell but before it could reach his lips I removed it.

"When I first laid eyes on you I never knew I could witness an angel so beautiful. Don't you know your something wonderful and your a diamond in the rough." I hated seeing my baby like this . If only he truly knew who his dad was and that he is more than who think he is.

"Your supposed to tell me this. Your my mommy and you only love me." He laid his head on my chest and soon I could hear slight snores coming from his mouth.

After laying him down on the couch and placing a few blankets on top of him I received a phone call from my best friend .

"Who has a millionaire baby daddy!?!?" My BFF screamed through the phone.

"Calm down Jazz I'm by Kyungi....hold up give me a minute." I took the time after that to walk into the kitchen and place my phone by my ear again.

"Ok ......... Carry On." (A/N: pretty on fleek , pretty on fleek.... Sorry I had to)

"Guess what ?" Jazz asked.

"What?" I asked back bluntly.

"Stella is gonna get back her groove tonight and she won't go to work tomorrow cause she's gonna end up in someone's bed alright." Jazz sang .

"One, who is Stel-"


"Two , I have work tomorrow so I can't go ou-"

"Aren't you the owner of your own 5.9 million dollar  hotel and you live in the pent house?" Jazz asked with a sassy tone.

"Stop interrupting me. Yes I am although I still have to check on the hotel and make sure the business is still flowing." I explained to her.

"Well forget all of that for tonight and tomorrow. I already spoke to Dave who spoke to Ruby and they both said they will make sure nothing goes wrong." Jazz replied back .

"Your forgetting about your god son. Who is gonna watch him?" I threw this question in her bubble hoping she will let this go.

"Miss Rosy the Noisy customer is always at your hotel. Can't she watch my baby K? It ain't like she got a date let alone a man." I could hear the annoyance in Jazz voice.

Jazz hates miss Rosy . The back story to this is long so I can just shorten it in a sentence.

Jazz got dumped by one of the workers at my hotel because Miss Rosy told him that Jazz was cooking it up with the chef at my hotel.

It got really bad ...... Let's just say the chef can't flip his spatula like he used to.

"All I can do is ask her and see what she says."

"Alright well be ready by seven o'clock and dress like a sexy college student and not a baby mama."

Not even five seconds later I heard a click and then I called up Miss Rosy .

My legs were getting very tired from standing so I just sat down on a kitchen Stoll.

"Hey Miss Rosy." I spoke first.

"Hey little girl." Miss Rosy sounded so happy.

"So I'm not going to beat around the bush so I was wondering would it be alright for you to watch Kyungi for me tonight ; just for tonight and I will pick him up in the morning?" I was surprised by the answer I received.

"Of course tell the little boy to get ready to play BINGO! Haha I love that game. I'm actually glad you asked me and not the people staying in room 40 cause word on the street is ms.pumo is getting re-married to her cousins' friends' dogs' uncles' owners' twin brother Bobby."

Now I'm not surprised by that information cause Miss Rosy used to be a spy. Just ask her last 3 husbands who now liver under a bridge plus they all know each other.

"Miss Rosy your staying in room seventy-two. Your two floors above that room. How would you know- Miss Rosy have you been using the vents to listen to people's conversations?" I shook my head realising I'm gonna have to do something about those vents.

"Your- Your - Bre-king - up - up- see - you - you - when - you - get - here-" then I heard a click.

She thinks she is so slick I know she was crumbling paper on the other side of the phone.

Time flew by and before you know it I was dressed like the college girl Jazz wanted me to be.

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Now that I was ready to go there was one more thing I had to do and that was drop off Kyungi .

Kyungi and I walked out of the pent house and to the fifth level of the hotel towards room seventy-two.

Kyungi knocked on the door three times before Miss Rosy opened the door.

"Ok now that your here little boy come inside and go sit down on my couch until I get the BINGO set." He did exactly what he was told because his mama taught him well.

"Thank You again Miss Rosy." I said showing a smile.

Before she could say your welcome I ran to the elevator . Once I stood in there I received a text from Jazz saying I'm here and with that note I ended up in her car.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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