Chapter 5:Learning the Basics

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I woke up the next morning. It was Saturday and I slept in a little. I got out of bed and made it nicely. Luna was laying at the foot of my bed. Her red eyes stared at me as I changed into my black shirt and blue jeans. I slide my green jacket over my shoulders.

"Good morning master." Luna said once I sat down beside her.

"Morning, and you don't have to call me master. Call me Alice." I told her.

"Alright Alice." Luna replied with a purr. I patted her head then stood. I walked over to the door then stopped. Someone was outside my door.

"Alice? You a wake?" Shido asked through the door.

"Yea, what do you need?" I asked as I opened my door.

"Just want to introduce you to the others living here." he replied. Luna jumped up onto my shoulder.

"Alright." I said as he led us to the manors living room. In the living room sat three girls. Tohka was one of them. There was a younger girl with light blue hair and blue eyes. She held a rabbit puppet in her left hand.

"This is Yoshino. She is a bit shy, but she'll open up to you when she gets to know you." Shido said as he pointed to the girl with the puppet.

"H-hi..." Yoshino said shyly. He then introduced the other girl. She had pink hair tied up in two ponytails with black ribbons.

"And this is Kotori. She is my little sister." He finished.

"So your Alice? Its nice to meet you." Kotori said as she put a lollipop in her mouth.

"Hey don't forget about me!" Another voice said. I looked over at Yoshino.

"Right, sorry Yoshinon. The puppet is Yoshinon." Shido said slightly annoyed.

"Next time don't forget Shido-kun." Yoshinon said. He rolled his eyes.

"So Alice, what were you going to do today?" Shido asked.

"Um...I was going to experiment with my powers. I don't know what all I can do? If I meet Kurumi again, I want to be able to fight." I said, anger filled me as I said her name. Luna rubbed against my face.

"I'll help you." She purred. I rubbed her ears.

"If you want to experiment, you can use the Fraxinus' training room." Kotori said. I looked over at her.

"Thanks!" I grinned. She led the way when we arrived on the Fraxinus. She opened up a door and let me through. There was a huge room with training dummies.

"We use this room for sword fighting. Use the training dummies if you need them." Kotori said.

"Thanks." I replied with a smile.

Ricki POV.

Alice has been gone a week. My dad has lost it. he called me to his office today.

"Ricki, please answer me truthfully. Did you help Alice escape?" he asked. I stared at him. I should lie or I don't know what he'd do to me.

"No. I was with Angel the whole time. She started to bark once the sirens went off. I tried to help with finding her." I lied. he stared at me for a moment. He then looked at the papers on his desk.

"We need to find her." he said softly.

"Why? What is so important that you need a spirit?" I asked.

"My employers want me the spirits." he slowly said.

"Who?" I asked.

"DEM industries. they have been funding our research." He replied. He then got this crazy look in his eyes. "We must find her. I got a call that my brother and his wife is dead. Alice must have went back to Tenguu city." he said, laughing slightly like an insane person.

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