Now onto Wattpad:

It's funny thinking back on where I was at this time last year.

I was gaining a tiny bit of a following from BD and people seemed to be really enjoying it and I was honestly on cloud nine. I never imagined people would like my stories that much. I even told my mom at one point that "I never thought something like this would happen to me because I always thought I wasn't a good enough person, that I didn't deserve it."

That's pretty depressing, I know.

But for some reason over 12,000 of you came to me this year.

I'll never fully understand why. I'll never get why my writing is able to attract that many people, but I'm happy about it and never going to take it for granted.

The slightly sad part is that I never felt pressure from Wattpad when I had a few hundred followers last year.

Everyone wanted BD, so I was posting BD and occasionally other things.

But now, people want everything!


And because I have no self control and I just want everyone to meet the characters that have become my babies, I write a lot of stories at one I know it's really my fault.

But it's hard knowing that you can't please everyone.

If I update SK, people want BT. If I update BT, people want PB. And on and on and on.

Also, like so many people ask for ILWAPS and it has me so perplexed because I honestly thought nooooo one would like that. It was just a dumb idea I came up with and thought to maybe make it into a story.

Okay, I'm really rambling now and need to get back on track.

Wattpad changed a lot for me this year.

Some bad things happened, but a lot of good happened too.

Like I said, 12,000 more of you appeared this year which still blows my mind. (I had hopes that I would reach 9,000 followers by the end of the year and the fact that I surpassed that is crazy to me.)

And I finished three stories this year.

The first story I managed to finish was Lost and Found.

This was a huge milestone for me because it was the first story I finished on Wattpad...and actually only the second original story I had ever finished.

I didn't finish stories before I began posting on Wattpad. And I haven't really told anyone that because I didn't want to freak you guys out lol. I had started about 100 stories before Wattpad and only finished one of them...yeah, not the greatest track record.

But I mainly think it was because I had no motivation. You guys motivate me to keep going. Even all the pestering that happens sometimes makes me go "Okay, I really need to write that."

It was like, before I had an audience, there was no point.

I enjoyed writing. I wrote A LOT.

But I would be writing one story and then a different idea would pop into my head and I would never go back to that first one. It was just an endless line of me jumping from story to story.

But because of you guys, I want you to have one complete story that you can may go back to time and time again.

You're the only reason any of these are finished. So you can give yourselves a pat on the back for that.

After I finished Lost and Found, I was like wow...I can actually do it. I can finish a story. lol.

So that motivated me to get more stuff done.

Rambles in Blue JeepsWhere stories live. Discover now