Path 1: The Answers are in your Head

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Gallus, who slept as good as the last few days, wakes up fairly early in the morning, which is surely not something one would connect with him if knowing him better. Maybe it was the inner clock telling him to study the entire day or maybe it was because of his little break in his special somepony's bed yesterday.
Why am I awake so early? I wanna sleep more... but maybe it's not that bad to be up earlier... At least I can stand my flower an early drink.
Like every day, the first thing on his list is, just like he suggested himself, taking care of his pal in the pod. He quickly fetches some water from the empty restroom and gives it to the flower before thinking about what to do now. But it looks like his stomach is taking that burden off his shoulders as it growls loudly.
Breakfast doesn't sound so bad I guess. I could go for an apple or something quick but somehow I feel that I would run into those idiots again if I went and then my appetite would be spoiled so... no use in going. Maybe I have something to eat in my room. I remember stashing some stuff somewhere in here...
The male griffon begins to search around his room but instead of something to eat he stumbles across one of his books from school. He picks it up and opens it on a random page and takes a quick look at it.
Oh... right... The book Miss Rarity gave us with all the different ways of stitching and sewing. How can anyone even work with that! Those pictures are even more confusing than the steps! There is no way for someone to learn the... Embro...aid...ery Stitch? I can't even say that name! Urgh!
He slams the book shut and tosses it into one of the corners of his room, the one furthest away from his bed, before continuing his search for something consumable. Luckily for him, he manages to find an unopened bag of chips under his bed, which must have gotten there by accident, not long after his first, much more disappointing find.
Wow... Those must have been there for at least two months. I wonder if they still taste good..., Gallus thinks to himself as he investigates the bag in his claws for some sort of opening through which air could have gotten inside. He finds none so, feeling a bit relieved, he rips the top open and tries one of the spicy-flavored goods.
Oh yeah... That's the stuff...
A big smile appears on his face as his taste buds embrace the welcome sensation and sends his mind into a happy place. He puts the bag on the bed and lays next to it before taking the issue of 'Griffon Ranger' which he couldn't finish the last time he tried from the stack of comic books, which is still next to his bed. He quickly finishes the book and, after reading the last panel, he closes it and takes a look at the cover of the book.
Ohhhh! So that's how the story ends... How boring. That was so predictable that I actually did not expect it to happen because it was so predictable... Not worth my time.
Kinda disappointed by the book he drops it next to the pile and takes the next issue, which continues the story where the former one left off. He follows this procedure until he finished the last issue, which was the ninth book in a row.
The old ones were better..., the now kinda grumpy griffon criticizes the comic series as he stuffs his beak with more of the crispy food.
Great! Now I'm in a bad mood! I could have laid down again and sleep for the past two hours and miss nothing. And now I can't even sleep because I am too upset. I need something to cheer me u-
His inner monologue suddenly falls silence as something catches his attention. It's the box Sandbar gave him last night with all the things he created. He carefully grabs the crate and places it in his lap before taking off the cover and taking a closer look at all the things inside.
I forgot how many different things I tried with Sandy! There is my first failure and there is the one I did when he was asleep. And...
Gallus carefully takes out red piece of fabric, which he used to test different types of stitches on, and analyzes it.
Was that the Satin stitch or the back stitch? Oh, that was the Zigzag stitch! I remember it because it looked very strange when I saw him do it but doing it myself was pretty easy. And here are the ones we tried without the machine! The Cross-stitch, the Hemstitch and, the most difficult one, the Tent stitch. I remember how much I struggled with that one but Sandy really helped me with out. Oh! The Embroidery Stitch turned out better than I remembered. Looks really good he- Wait.
His mind wanders off into his memory and pulls something out of it which was not that long ago. Carefully he places the piece back in the crate and pushes the box from his lap, trying his best not to move the content too much. Afterwards, he rushes for the corner and picks up the book, which he tossed there. He quickly scans the pages on his search for that specific one and, after flicking about halfway through it, he finally finds it.
The Embroidery Stitch! I knew I saw it before! But... it's looks way more complicated than Sandy made it look like.
He flips the page and takes a look at a And there is the Cross-stitch! And the Hemstitch and all the other stitches.

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