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(PART DOS. And thank you for the votes so far babes~<3)

I was laying down in a deep sleep, until I was jolted awake by the sound of my phone ringing.

I reached over to grab my phone.

"H-hello?" I said groggily.

"MITCHYBABEOHMAGAWSH." Ashley's voice rung loudly through my ears.

"Hey ash. Whats wrong?" I say.

"Ok so parents want to meet you." She said.

"Wha-really?" I said, sitting up in bed.

"Yeah. Ive been telling them about you and how we have been pretty serious for like six months, and how I've known you for like almost 2 years, so they uh..wanted to meet you."

"Well thats great. But, why'd you call me so urgently?" I asked.

"They said that..I um..wouldn't be able to visit you until they had meet you." She said shyly.

"What?" I said, sounding a little upset.

"Yea." She said softly.

"Well. It might take me a while. How long can you wait?" I asked.

"A while I guess. I just really wanted to go visit you. I miss you...physically." She said softly.

My eyes widen and my cheeks flush red. I drop the phone and book it to the computer.

"Mitch? Miiiitch!" Ashleys voice echoes from the phone.

"IM ORDERING TICKETS RIGHT NOW." I shout from my computer.

Ashley giggles from my phone and I run back to pick it up.

"You really don't have to do that if you don't want to sweety. Im sure I could talk it out with them." Ashley said.

"Its okay babe. I don't mind meeting your folks." I shrug.

"Im telling you right now Mitch..they are pretty strict." She said nervously.

"Ashley dear, I'm an absolute gentleman." I say in a bad English accent.

"Hah yea. Sure Mitchy." She giggles.

"I got it Ash. Donz worry." I say reassuringly.

"Thank you babe. I love you, bye." She says sweetly.

"Love you too~" I say before she cuts the call.

I head back to my computer and finish booking my flight to England.

"I got this." I mumble to myself, getting up and heading to the kitchen. I walk past a mirror in my hallway. I stop and take a look at myself.

I run a hand through my long,messy, fluffy bed head. I flick my ears, the lobes having small studs pierced in them. I looked at what I was wearing. A messy v neck and low, sagging basketball shorts.

"Well shit." I say.

I grab my phone and call someone who means the world to me. Shes the most important woman in the world.

"Hello?" She said.

"MOOOOOOOM!" I said in a whiny tone.

"Sweety? What is it?" She chuckled.

" know Ashley?" I say shyly, knowing what she will say.

"Isnt she that cutie pie that you've been dating?" She said.

"Yeaaa mom. So, I need some help." I say.

"Mitch, I always told you to use condoms." She chuckles.

"Oh my gosh mom." I laugh, knowing my face flushed red.

"Seriously. Whats up?" She says.

"Well, Im gonna meet Ashley's parents this weekend, and I really wanna leave a good impression." I say.

"Aww Mitchell. You really care about her huh?" She said, and I could tell she had a smug grin on her face.

"Yeah mom..shes.." I pause, smiling at the fuzzy stuffed penguin that sat upon my desk, (CHECK OUT MA STORY CANADIAN PENGUINS FOR REFERENCE) "..shes pretty special."

"Well, first things first, dress appropriately. Im talking classy pants and button ups honey." She says.

"Got it." I nod.

"Also, don't be too touchy on Ash. I know boys can get grabby but take it easy." She says, and I face palm.

"Yes ma'am. Thanks for the advice." I chuckle.

"And Mitch." She begins.

"Ya?" I say.

"Be yourself. You'll do great." She says.

"Thanks mom. Love you." I smile.

"Love you too hun~" she says before hanging up.

I sigh and put down my phone, heading to the kitchen for cereal.

"Easy peesy." I say.

(BAM. Can you guys note that I have school, so I might be bit by bit that I update okay? Ill try ma best. And I love you guys so much for all your support on my work. Leave feedback an tell me what you think. Much love ❤️)

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