CH-28: Unexpected Events

Start from the beginning

"I need to go to the hospital," she said to Discord. He looked reluctant, but nodded seeing that he knew practically nothing about whatever was happening. He scooped Maria into his arms, teleporting them to the Ponyville Hospital. 

The receptionist at the counter shrieked in fright at the sight of Discord. She regained her composure as she saw Maria in her condition. She phoned a doctor before escorting the draconequus to an empty examination room. A nurse appeared quickly, looking over Maria. After the basic checks were done, the nurse pony wrapped a medical bracelet around Maria's wrist. 

Maria muttered something to Discord and he summoned a wastebasket for her to barf in. They sat in the room for a few minutes before a unicorn stallion walked in. His coat was a light blue, with a navy blue mane. He was covered in a white lab coat, with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. 

"My name is Dr. Doctor, but you can just refer to me as Doc. What seems to be the problem?" he asked, examining a clipboard. Discord retold the entire thing to Doc, who nodded. When he finished, Doc scribbled something on the paper. "I have a theory about the issue, but I can't be sure until I check," 

"What's wrong with my wife?" Discord demanded rather loudly. Doc looked unaffected by the demand, as though he's dealt with it before.

"Calm yourself, Mr. Discord. I'll need to escort you to a different room so I can properly examine her," Doc left the room for a second, returning with a mobile hospital bed. Discord helped to lay Maria comfortably on the bed, and a few nurses rolled her out of the room. 

Discord followed, entering a bigger room with a computer-like thing hooked up to a bed. He stared at it quizzically. Doc made sure Maria was comfortable in her bed before turning to the computer by the bed. Discord was by Maria's side, holding her hand and squeezing it gently. She returned it wiith a weak squeeze. 

"Alright, I need to put this gel on her stomach," Doc reassured Discord. Maria squirmed as the warm substance was rubbed over her stomach. Levitating a little remote-like thing, he gently rubbed it across her stomach. 

Some fuzzy images of black and white appeared on the screen, moving as the device glided along the surface of Maria's tummy. Doc hummed, nodding. 

"It seems my theory is correct," he said quietly. Discord panicked. 

"Is there something wrong? Is she sick? How long does she have left to live?" he burst. Maria stared at the screen, her eyes wide. Discord growled at the doctor for not answering him. 

Doc turned  to Discord. "There's nothing wrong with her. But I'd like to congratulate the two of you. Maria is pregnant," 

Discord sighed in relief. "Oh is that all," his brain processed the info and he went rigid, passing out on the hard floor beneath him. Doc chuckled at this reaction, turning to Maria. 

Her eyes were wide, staring at the monitor. She could barely understand what was happening. She was pregnant?!

Discord came to, standing to his feet. "Pregnant?" he repeated, the word practically hanging in the silent room like a horrid odor. 

Doc nodded, turning back to the screen. He picked up the pen with his magic,  still holding the device on Maria's stomach. He pointed to the white parts on the screen. "This is the baby. It looks healthy, but we'll do a few tests later just to make sure," he pointed out the parts of the unborn child before stopping suddenly. 

"What's wrong?" Maria asked in fear as Doc examined the screen. He didn't answer at first, moving the tool across her stomach at different angles. His green eyes shone with confusion. Finally he sighed, turning to the couple. 

"I don't understand how this happened, but your child is a...filly." 


DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!

Cliff hanger! I'm sorry, but it was necessary. You had to see this coming, didn't you? I sure hope so! ^^

I'll type the next chapter tonight and post it tomorrow morning before I go to school, alright? Keep calm and don't throw things at me!! *hides behind chair* 

I apologize for not being so technical with the medical tools, I researched a few terms, asked my mom a few questions about the computer thingy, then just described it as best as I could. 

Fun Fact: Horses are pregnant for at least over 340 days! Humans are in labor for about 252, give or take. I have no idea about draconeqi, though. 

Anyways, I'll be back with another chapter soon!


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