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Dear Ethan,

You are the most amazing person in the entire world. You have so many admirable attributes that make me fall for you harder with each passing day. 


Grayson signed the sticky note, hiding his face in his hands for a moment. Was he really going to do this? It was embarrassing, god did he feel like an idiot, but it wasn't like Ethan would know who it is. He even altered his handwriting, just in case Ethan recognized it, because he was observant like that.

"Gray, hurry up! It's time for school!" their mother called from downstairs. Hastily shoving the sticky note in his pocket, he raced down the stairs, kissing his mom goodbye on the cheek. Ethan and their father awaited him in the truck.

"Jeez, you're usually earlier than me. What took you so long?" laughed Ethan. For a moment, Grayson froze, unsure of what to say. What the hell was he doing?

"I had to pee," he lied, hand trailing down to his pocket to grip the little purple sticky note. He made sure it was in Ethan's favorite color. It was just a tiny note, and he wasn't sure why he had put so much effort into it.

Actually, that was a lie - he did know why. It was because he loved Ethan beyond explanation, and he wanted to make sure his plan to make his day was perfect. It was small, but it was Ethan, which meant he had to make it count. Everything always had to count.

When they arrived to school, they went their separate ways to first period. Grayson plopped down into his seat next to Xitlali, instantly pulling out the sticky note hidden in his pocket. Flicking her arm, he waved the sticky note in her face. "So, remember when I said I had an idea to make a sort-of-but-not-really move on Ethan?"

"Yes.. what is this?" asked Xitlali curiously, trying to grab the note from his fingers. He held it above her head, causing her to glare at him. "Bitch lemme see!"

"No, fuck you," grumbled Grayson, shoving it back in his pocket. He was too embarrassed to let her read it. "Anyways, I'm going to slip it into his backpack next period, you know where he keeps his Cheez-Its, that way he'll find it in lunch."

"You wrote a love note."

"Well, yeah, basically,"

"You are so damn up his ass, I almost feel bad for you," she snorted, putting her phone in her pocket as the bell rang. As much as Grayson wanted to deny it, it was true. He would do anything for Ethan - hell, he'd jump off a damn bridge if he asked. He knew Ethan's secret, deep love for sappy romantic things. Things like love notes. Which, of course, made this little plan of his damn near perfect.


Lunch came faster than Grayson had expected it to. Xitlali had been making little jabs at him all day, and even made a joke in front of Ethan - who luckily didn't acknowledge it - resulting in a hard kick to her ankles beneath the desks. 

"I'm so fucking hungry," groaned Ethan, throwing his backpack onto the table. "You have no idea." Grayson's heart was racing in his stomach now. Why was he so nervous? It wasn't like Ethan would know it was him. But that was exactly the problem, the problem below the surface of nervousness.

Ethan wouldn't know it was him - he would think it was someone else, probably some girl, and he'd grin and blush and make up names in his mind and none of those names, not a single one, would be Grayson. That is what bothered him to the core, leaving him slightly dejected about his plan. Regret seeped into him, but then he remembered - this was to make Ethan happy. This wasn't about him.

Xitlali nudged him under the table, and he looked up to see Ethan reading the note with eyes squinted in confusion. He saw him form the words with his lips, the words he'd so carefully written this very morning. It made him feel that warm, fuzzy feeling inside, the one he'd become so familiar with because of Ethan.

Ethan's cheeks were flushed pink now as he folded the note back up, grinning suddenly. "Someone wrote me a love note!" He exclaimed suddenly, pumping his fist in the air. "Fuck you guys, I'm about to have a girlfriend when I find out who wrote this." 

Grayson's heart dropped for a moment. Girlfriend. Ethan was bi, but he had a preference for girls - he tried not to worry too much about that. What he focused on instead was how happy and flustered Ethan seemed that someone wrote him a simple sentence on a sticky note. Xitlali snorted. "Cute. Who do you think it's from?"

"I don't know. That one short girl in our third period, what's her name? It might be her because she's always staring at me."

"Camila? She definitely does not like you, she has a big crush on Erick." Grayson laughed. If only he could man up and tell Ethan who it truly was, but that'd be a mess. Ethan popped a few Cheez-Its in his mouth, still looking giddy. He shrugged.

"Well, whoever it is, hopefully I can find out."

Looking down, Grayson tried to hide his blush. He put his head down on the table, acting as if he was tired, smiling to himself when he felt Ethan pat his head lightly. His stomach felt like it was going on the craziest rollercoaster ride in the entire world right now. Ethan liked his note. Ethan loved his note, to be exact. 

But that brought him to another thought that made his insides do a complete turn and drop. What if Ethan finds out it's his twin brother, instead of some cute girl or boy? Would he hate Grayson, or would things take an unexpected turn. 

As the rest of the day went by, Grayson smiled softly as he watched Ethan flaunt his new purple sticky note around to all their friends and even their parents and sister. He was so proud to have someone after him that it made Grayson sad. All he wanted to do was take Ethan by the hand and kiss and cuddle him until he felt loved, like he was worth something, because they'd struggled with that feeling for so long.

At least he knew how the next month would be spent. 


sooo i kind of abandoned this story and acc cos i got out of grethan for a bit. im back sort of now? i lost interest in this story but i want to finish it anyways! the song has nothing to do w the story i just love it a lot so i included it. also bcos i was listening to it. <3 

xo // grethanWhere stories live. Discover now