Klavier was the only family that Kristoph had. Their mother had passed when they were very young, they never got to know her. Their father was an alcoholic, who had cracked under the pressure. Growing up with him was hell at times. His children had practically watched his downfall, and saw him at his worst points. He died after they had both moved out.

Klavier had seen exactly what had happened to his father, he swore he would never let that happen to him. Sure enough, he soon fell right into the pit. He never meant to, it had all just happened. If he could go back and change it all, tell himself to stop and remember what had happened to his father, he surely would. But you couldn't change the past. So, he was stuck in this place that was seemingly impossible to get out of.

"Did I... go anywhere after the show?" Klavier asked his brother, running a hand through his long, unkempt blonde hair.

"How much did you drink? No, you came straight here. I was at the show, and you asked me to drive you." After the incident where he had passed out backstage, Kristoph started regularly showing up to Klavier's shows, the ones in his hometown, at least. He performed here often. There were lots of opportunities here, as well. It was the place where he had gotten his start, it would always be special to him.

Kristoph had attended shows before, but as he had gotten more and more busy with his own life, he stopped. He was always there just to make sure his brother was alright. The routine was becoming quite tiring, though. For both of them. After his shows, Klavier would either go to the bar(which Kristoph tried to object to, but was never successful), or go to his hotel room right away, because he was too drunk to do much else. Kristoph was sick of following his brother around.

"What time is it?"

"It's about two in the morning. You've been sleeping there for awhile. I had to move you, I ran to the bathroom, and as soon as I came out, you were on the chair with a cigarette lit in your hand, already passed out. It only took you a few minutes, it seems."

"Two in the morning?! I need to get back to bed. I have to be up in three hours. I have this interview and performance tomorrow morning, they've been begging me for the longest time, and now I finally have an opening."

"Are you going to be okay? Do you think you'll need to cancel?"

Klavier shook his head. "No. I'm going. I'm not going to cancel. I'll be fine. Just have to... sleep this away."

"If you say so. I'm just saying, this wouldn't be the first time. I'm sure people will be understanding, at least somewhat."

"I can't just cancel it. I already have enough being said about me. Do you know what they'd say if I just randomly canceled on this? I'm going to be fine. I don't need to hear all of this right now. Thanks for making sure I was alright, but I don't think you need to be here anymore."

Kristoph sighed. "Okay. Call me before you leave. And Klavier, take care of yourself. You can't keep doing this to yourself."

Klavier didn't answer. Normally, this would be the part where he made the promise that he would never let this happen again. But, he didn't even bother this time.


Apollo Justice hummed to himself, stirring the ice in his drink. He looked around the bar, smiling. This place was just like a home to him.

Nobody was there right now, except for workers, because the place was about to close. He was a worker there himself, he had landed the job quite easily actually.

"What are you looking at?" His best friend; who happened to own and work at the place, Clay Terran, asked him, smiling and stepping back behind the bar.

Always Remember Us This Way | Klapollo Where stories live. Discover now