Udachi-Part III

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i walked into class with Alex, already apprehensive about what might happen. God only knows how horrible Cole's impulse control is.
A/N: yes this is the same Cole from Play With Fire, and the 'one who left him' is Jules.
Alex sits down near the back of the classroom, away from everyone else, and i follow suit. i take the seat next to him, and wait for our professor to come in. It takes a while, but eventually they walk in.
Yes, i know your joke. Our LGBTQIA+ theory teacher is Non-Binary. Get over it.
It used to be called queer theory, but now it's adopted the more politically correct term. i make it through the lecture and notes just fine. The video too, surprisingly, and it's not until the end of class that he makes a move.
im putting my stuff in my locker, waiting for Alex so we can head home b/cause we only had LGBTQIA+ Theory today. Of course im at my most naive and vulnerable, i always am when he pulls this shit.
i notice a presence first, and i think it's Alex do i dont mind. When he speaks however, an electric jolt of terror goes right to my brain and heightens my senses.
Cole is smirking, i can hear it in his voice.
"So you're whoring around with the Russian breathmint? Even for you that's low standards."
His tone grows spiteful. My shoulders start to shake as i recall the 'minty-breath' jokes from my so-called friends back when i dated Alex. Tears slip down my cheeks, splashing on the cool floor.
Why do my memories hurt so much?
He rests a hand on my shoulder, only making me grow more upset. A voice i never thought id hear, saying things i never thought id hear, makes him back off.
"Get the hell away from Alovkya. He's mine."
i glance up, drying my eyes on my sweater sleeves. It is him, and he looks pretty pissed at Cole. His light brown eyes flick to me, and when he takes in my slightly red and barely swollen eyelids, he whirls on Cole.
"What did you do to him? Touch him? Force yourself on him again? He told me everything you used to do. Get the hell out of here."
i hear Cole open his mouth, get halfway through a witty remark, and shut his mouth again.
Wise choice, prick,
i think.
Alex helps me put my notebooks in my locker, and picks up the spare papers that fell out when i dropped them. He makes them into a neat stack and puts them in my locker. We head out to his car, and i sit in silence as he drives.

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