Chapter 1- Prologue 2

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I will never forget what happened all those years ago, nor will I ever be able to erase the pain that had been inflicted- the sounds of agony and fear that continues even now to fill my ears.

The day... the day I was born- suppose to be born- created would be a better fit for my situation if I must admit to myself. I- things had gone wrong. I was not where I was suppose to be or... maybe I was, in truth I have no idea of what is truth anymore. I had best introduce myself.

My name... is Krad Hikari and I was created by a Hikari called Saiko Hikari, originally I was born to be part of an artwork called the Kokuyoku however... things went wrong and I had split from my counter part Dark Mousy, I was to inhabit Saiko's body while Dark was to inhabit Daiki Niwa. During that event I was aware that Saiko had an 'apprentice' except she was more of a daughter to him. Her name even throughout the years still remains in my mind, her name was Maimi Amaya and she was three years old. She had been found by my creator but was covered in blood. Even after being taken in she would freeze or shut out what had happened, something I can image was something ghastly that even a grown person would cower from.

To my confusion however as the years went by- hundreds of years to be exact, I was to inhabit the body of another Hikari but this one... she was... different. She treated me like I was a person, like I was more than just a tool or a thing. In fact she unlike the others who... treated me like I was a monster but she... she did the opposite and it was surprising. I was unsure of why she was being so kind to me so I would either stay away from her or try to force myself out and yet... she never hated me. If anything it angered me that she would look at me with such pity. Those eyes infuriated me until I demanded why, why she would look at me like that.

"Because no one should ever be treated like a caged animal, what my family did was and still is unjust"

I... I still didn't understand her. She should be hating and scorning me and yet... she did neither except tried to speak to me when I tried to drown her out. She had... tried to encourage me to paint once again, to try and see the world even if it was through her eyes, surprisingly... I did. The world as I saw it without being forced into a cage felt different, the winds... it was more softer. Maybe it was my imagination, maybe it was because she had tried to be there for me in her own way but it was like... being with an old friend. Strangely it was like being near Saiko or his son once more, in fact Ryushi who had strangely been brooding a lot had tried to be friends with me, his eyes as he saw me through the mirror had always harbored guilt when he looked at me and even as I had tried to ask... would always shut me out and try to divert the attention from the subject. Seeing as there was no reason to overstep my boundaries I would often leave things alone... that was until his son had changed everything into a living nightmare.

Now as she stood by me, I felt as if all the pain I endured was washing away. Like I could finally feel something, she had even kept it from her family who had often resented me daily and were not shy in hiding it. They had often told her to be emotionless and cold towards the 'monster' but once she was away she would smile and shrug it off, as if they were the pests she wanted to avoid. How I had fully awoken confused me until I saw who had her attention one day. It was a black haired boy with soft brown eyes who had often walked by the bakery with his brother who shared the same features. At that moment I felt her heart skip and her face would heat up before sadness would fill her.

"Mother had always said to avoid the Amayas... they were nothing but bad news, but... but Krad I can't help it. I really like him"

She had told me this while her heart was screaming to speak to him, things to my surprise had changed. She had gotten her wish to speak to him and had kept it hidden until her twin Nathan had spotted her speaking to them. He had warned her not to go near them again but she had told him to leave her alone. After that things had gotten more and more bad, their parents had tried to marry Natasha off to a wealthy art dealer's son but she had refused. Her family as expected had not taken it well and the moment they had found out about her love for the Amaya boy who had also shown signs of returning her love, they had disowned her and threw her out into the streets. Claiming that she was no daughter of theirs anymore only... they had forgotten that I inhabited her body. It had taken a lot out of me not to react but Natasha- my tamer had told me not to, it saddens me even now that such a gentle frail soul would still remain kind to such people. I wished that I could have helped her but I could not, to my relief however the Amaya boy she had feelings for had arrived at the spot she had chosen to rest at. Ignoring that I had tried to tell her to find some shelter from the rain as she cried her heart out. I could not fault her for being in pain, her family was cold but to disown and throw out their daughter who had chosen to love without caring if the person had any status or wealth. It takes a lot of courage, eventually she had told him about me and as I left I could only hope that she had lived a happy life. Only... she had not.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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