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Question #1: How Do You Feel About Mondays?

A: Great! I Love To See People!

B: Eh.

C: I'm Cool With Whatever.

D: Screw Man-Made Schedules.

E: I'm Freelance, So It's All The Same To Me.

F: Love A Break From Family!


H: !

I: Better Than Hump Day.

Question #2: What Would The Name Of Your Very 1st Album Be?

A: ''How Do You Like Me Now?''

B: ''Punkadilly Circus''

C: ''Days On Days''

D: ''The Woods Are Calling''

E: ''Tru$t I$$ues''

F: ''Southern Comforts''

G: ''Food For Thought''

H: ''Dance For The Revolution''

I: ''Small Explosion''

Question #3: Would You Ever Be Found In A Club?

A: The Clubs Come To Me.

B: Only Themed Ones.

C: If You Carried Me There.

D: There Aren't Any Clubs Where I Live.

E: I Could Never Get In.

F: I'm Way Too Comfy Here At Home.

G: Is There Food?

H: HAHA. No.

I: Sure, I Like To Boogie!

Question #4: What Kind Of Milk Do You Prefer?

A: Almond

B: Where Did It Come From?

C: Milk Is For Babies.

D: Nonfat

E: Any. As Long As It's Served With A Straw.

F: Soy

G: Whatever You Have!

H: Chocolate

I: Coconut

Question #5: Pick A Winter Accessory.

A: I Need Them All!

B: Your Warm Embrace

C: Winter Boots

D: Anything That I Can Find.

E: The Heater That My Assistants Follow Me With.

F: My Very Own Layer Of Fat

G: I Don't Go Outside.

H: Mittens Or A Hat!

I: An Infinity Scarf

Question #6: What Were You Made Fun Of For As A Kid?

A: My General Appearance

B: My Hair

C: Being Lazy

D: Being Way Too Serious

E: My Clothes

F: My Lunch

G: Never Going Out

H: Being Short

I: Oh, I Never Paid Attention To That!

Question #7: Pick A Dog.

A: Boston Terrier

B: King Charles Spaniel

C: Yorkshire Terrier

D: Rough Collie

E: Airedale Terrier

F: English Springer Spaniel

G: Alasken Malamute

H: Bernese Mountain Dog

I: Dobermann

Question #8: What Would Your Gravestone Say?

A: I Proved Them Wrong!

B: Here I Lay, As I Laid In Life.

C: I'm Going To Be Cremated!

D: Lived, Loved, Mostly Didn't Give A (bleep).

E: Lived Well, Tolerated Family.

F: Found The Meatloaf.

G: Up For Anything, Including The Great Beyond.

H: Little One, Big Heart.

I: Misunderstood.

Question #9: How Do You Feel About Dogs?

A: Not As Cute As Me.

B: Ugh. We're At War.

C: There Cool.

D: As Long As They Don't Take My Food, I Like Them.

E: I Love To Annoy Them.

F: Indifferent.

G: I Don't Trust Them.


I: There Scary, But I Know That They Mean Well.

Your At The End Of The Quiz! Yay! 😺

How Do You Feel? (This Isn't Going To Affect Your Results BTW...)

A: I'm Excited To See My Results! 😺

B: Good... 😒

C: Happy Because I Love Cats & I'm Such A Fangirl/Fanboy Oh My God The Feels! 😻

D: Yeah. Whatever. 😐

E: Yay! I'm Going To Watch Some Cat Videos Straight After. 😽

If You Answered A, C, Or E Than Your A True Cat Person! 😺

But If You Answered B Or D Than... Well... Whatever. 😐

Go To The Next Chapter To See Your Results!

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